Tips for portion sizes?

  • Pasta is my all time favorite! I eat whole grain pasta and use spaghetti sauce sparingly. I have large dinnerware though so it's VERY easy to overeat.

    What is the appropriate portion size for pasta? Or anything really. And what do you do when you eat the correct portions and are still hungry for more?!

    Last night, for example. I forgot to pack a snack with me and ended up leaving work early (before lunch) to go to the ER. I didn't get home from the ER until 6 pm. I ended up ordering a pizza. I didn't go over my points (go veggie lovers) but I don't want to get into this as a habit.
    If I had come home and cooked myself pasta I most definitely would have overeaten. For some reason I was able to stop myself at 2 pieces of pizza (maybe because they're sliced for me?).

    Any tips would be appreciated!
  • You posted before that you were doing WWonline for a trial period.In that search box type in portions sizes and you will find what you want.
  • I have a canister at home and the top is an opening of 2oz which is how I measure however they say that you pasta serving should be the size of a baseball.

    I agree 2 slices is not enough. Sometimes I eat veggies before pizza or something like that because then I feel more full.

    Also they said in prevention magazine that it takes your stomach 20 minutes to tell your brain your full. Maybe taking more time to eat. A break in between each slice?
  • A serving of whole wheat pasta is one cup (3pts)...if you have WW online on the first page after you sign in is a cheat sheet for pasta ( It's what you put on it that counts more...with that little bit of spaghetti sauce why not steam some veggies, put some shrimp, or something else low in points to bulk it up? For busy times cook the low point stuff ahead of time and freeze it, pop it in the microwave and tada!

    I also eat out of small plates/bowls to trick myself into thinking I'm eating more
  • I never saw these cheat sheets thank you!!