Not getting all "green" in...

  • I find I'm having problems measuring my greens in measuring cups. I have a table for converting it but my scale does not measure in grams so I'm doing it the old fashioned way.

    I'm just scared that I may be under measuring. Could this potentially stall my weight loss? Would it be better to over measure than under measure?
  • This is just my personal opinion but it would be better to overestimate the vegetables than underestimate. I just got a new kitchen scale (grams and oz) for $15 so you might just buy a new one if you can.
  • On this Medifast Green List, it shows serving sizes in cups. If you're limited on bugdet, dollar stores have measuring cups, and some stores have "store brand" measuring cups. This way you can make sure you're getting your full amount of greens in.
  • It's sometimes hard to judge, but you can go by nutrition labels to some extent. For example, bag salad has a typical serving size as 1 to 1-1/2 cups, and 2-3 servings per bag. So even though you can't stuff a measuring cup with salad greens, you can pretty much estimate by how much you use from a bag.

    With something like steamed broccoli, 1 cup is around 4-5 ounces. Go with 5.

    You can find out some equivalents with an internet search. Be sure that you use dry measure equivalents, not liquid, for vegetables.
