These last ten pound are kicking my butt and I need some help.....

  • If anyone could offer any help for these last ten pounds it would be great. I am doing an at home version of WW...... well, not completely by the book. That is the problem. I guess b/c I am within site of my goal, I am not doing what I should. On top of that my DH is WAY overweight and he just cannot seem to get (and stay with the program). If anyone has gone through this and can offer some help, I would appreciate it.

  • Exercise more, eat less, and be patient with yourself. Don't rush, it'll be ok. It's wonderful that u even got this far so pat yourself on the back.
  • First off, congrats on your weight loss! My personal opinion is that maybe "weening" off the WW program into just everyday healthy eating habits would be best. From what I've heard WW is a fantastic program, but not many people stay on it for the rest of their lives. As the cliche saying goes, "healthy eating is a way of life." Also, until you lose those last 10 pounds, focus on just you. I know that is easier said than done, but you will be able to help your DH much more once you aren't stressed about the last 10 pounds. If you need any recs for yummy low fat/fat free food options, I'd be more than happy to help!
  • Thank you both for the input. I appreciate it.
  • It is really hard at the end. For me, it's mainly that I feel pretty good with where I'm at, so it's easy to say this weight is "good enough". I think it's important, though, for me to stick with it and actually meet the goal I set for myself. I just want to see it though, or to accomplish what I set out to do. So I'm going to keep pushing. But it's slower now than before, and as I'm smaller I require less calories. Unfortunately, I still seem to have a larger appetitite...LOL. So I'm trying to keep it in check, trying to make sure my end goals are realistic, and trying to remind myself that there is no hurry. Hang in there, and good luck to you!
  • kellost.... you hit the nail on the head.

    I am still plugging on....... Good luck to you too!

  • Tammy, I am pretty new to maintenance so I think that I can offer something here. I stopped calorie counting in September 09, mainly because I was starting to get obsessed. I had learning alot from Calorie Counting, but have no wish to do it for the rest of my life. I now know much more about amounts, portions and try to focus on healthier foods. I also try to really listen to my hunger to decide what and how much to eat.

    WW has taught you alot and you have done awesome on it. I think that you have to trust yourself in regards to your eating style. You have to eat and eat well for the rest of your life. This is a lifestyle not a diet. I don't think I'm eating much more or differently now than when I was losing. Since September 2009, I have lost about 12 lbs. It's slow, but I don't care. I have no timeline or deadline. My current eating and exercise regimens are habit. It has become my lifestyle--one that I plan on continuing.