What did you say "No" to today?

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  • I was feeling super bummed about this guy and I reeaally wanted some Mellow Mushroom. I was starting to dial the number for my to-go order and thought "Am I seriously about to throw away my progress because some guy didn't call?" I had SmartOnes pizza instead, and it was pretty good too.
  • My dad had his buddy over and the two of them made a huge meal down in the kitchen. Normally that'd be fine, but today they decided to make some fried chicken!! The two guys hardly ever make that, as it's quite messy.

    So the whole house has smelt like fried chicken ALL DAY and it's making me angry My kind-but-forgetful boyfriend brought up a huge plate of it earlier and offered me some.
    "Can't. I'm on a diet."
    "Oh yeah. But you can eat chicken!"
    "Not fried chicken!!"

    I'm happy that I turned it down, I guess. But I wish the whole house would stop smelling like this already. It's making me crave really badly. And it's all eaten, so even if I wanted a small taste to kill the craving, I can't have it. GRRRR. *stomps around*
  • eh...
    I said no to a hamburger today... not a big deal, especially since I just had some teeth filled and didn't feel like biting myself. lol.
  • This morning, at a restaurant, they served a fabulous egg and bacon burrito, which was perfect in my calorie allotment. With it, for some odd reason, they served potato chips along side it! lol. Potato chips (especially with dip) were my overeating nemesis in the past. I looked at them, I thought about them, I could have even went ahead and added them to my calorie count, but something inside me said that I had a lovely breakfast and did not need the chips to tip the balance. I don't think I have ever let a chip go uneaten before.
  • French Toast. It has been calling me all night but I'm resisting!
  • I said no to ice cream and dessert today, and I feel pretty good about that. I had strong cravings for rice and beans and crunchy chips. i ate a small amount of beans and 1 corn tortilla, so i feel pretty good about that.
  • I said no to...
    Pancakes and syrup!! I'm desperately trying to behave on my calories and fat content!
  • I did good today. I didn't prepare my food ahead of time, and so i was forced to have to consider nachos or fast food. I ended up passing on the fast food, and I didn't do the nachos. I settled instead on some fruit and a single serving bag of tortilla chips. I was amazed that I didn't get supper hungry, even after almost 9 hours!
  • Peanut Butter sandwich cookies seating at the lunchroom table.
  • Coffe, but I miss it soooooo much. Green Tea just isn't the same as coffee
  • ok here's one for ya...
    marshmallow Shrek heads!! lol.... I know, but they're green apple flavored and I gave some to my kids...the smell was getting me! They're kind of like apple flavored peeps....
  • Today I said no to Taco Bell, which is hard for me! I went to one grocery store looking for a ready-made salad to take to work. They didn't have any meatless ones (I'm vegetarian), so instead of going by the TB across the street, I bought fresh lettuce and veggies and rushed back home to make a salad.

    And THEN a girl at work (who is gorgeous and skinny) decided to buy out Subway's supply of cookies for everyone. All the others had at least 2, but I said no both times! Stayed under my calorie limit for the day, and now I'm sitting here relieved, thinking about how upset I'd be now if I'd eaten that 400 calories in cookies earlier.
  • My roommate baked red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting. I knew it would be tempting, so while it baked I did a really hard workout. By the time I was done with my workout, the cake was done... I calculated how many calories were in the small piece I cut out for myself, but when I tasted it I realized that the flavor just wasn't worth the calories. Why spend 40 minutes burning calories and then put them all back on in two minutes? So I dumped the plate in the garbage. I feel really great because I did THREE things right all in one night.
  • I said no to a second Entennman's chocolate-covered chocolate doughnut this morning. I told myself I'd have one, and I stuck to it! Of course, NONE would be better--but I still feel good for controlling myself
  • well...
    interestingly I guess it's my applesauce...I know, not a bad thing... I'm just not interested in food right now... it's kinda nice, hope it doesn't attack me later.