Looking for extreme weight loss buddy!!!!

  • Hey. i`m looking for someone around my age (19) to be my extreme weight loss buddy. I`m trying to loss 90 pounds in a short amount of time. thats what i mean by extreme. and i know this is not healthy so you don`t have to remind me. i want to do something like the biggest loser. Looking for someone with maybe a similar story and some one willing to talk very often for support. i`ll tell you just a tiny bit about my story. basically i was heavy growing up and in high school i got down to 139 pounds. which looked really skinny on me. then after high school i gained 100+ pounds within a year and a half. No one (school mates) has seen me since high school becuase i`m embarrased of my wieght. i`d like to re-connect with some people and be healthy again. if you have a similar story and want to go on this extreme weight loss journey with me. please let me know.

  • my guess is on here you will find 10 people who will tell you to do it "right" (reasonable calorie deficit through healthy food and exercise) for every 1 that would advocate extreme.

    And that's mostly because there are a lot of people on here (myself included) who realize how much more likely you are to put it back on if you don't take it off right.

    Good luck with your journey though there is a lot of good information/people here...
  • trina im not as extreme but im still trying to go pretty hardcore- i wanna lose 40 pounds in 5 months

    i would love to have someone to be able to talk to and to have osmeone to work through this with me
  • Trina, how short amount of time are you trying to lose the 90 pounds?
    Erica: I'm in a similar situation. I am trying to lose 40-50 pounds in 5 months too! Not sure if it's doable, but I'm trying. R u doing anything specific to try to to this? Maybe we can be buddies?
  • kisskiss im definitely in need of a weight loss buddy!!! im not really trying anything specific diet. i eliminated a bunch of stuff from my diet (red meat, fried foods, candy, soda, ice cream, and sugary drinks), ive cut my portions in half, and once i get back to school i plan on working out 5 times a week.

    ive tried atkins and south beach in the past and they are nightmares for me. i have add and take really strong aderol for it and when i dont have carbs in my system on top of it i become a ZOMBIE so im just trying to cut the craap out of my life.

    what do u wanna do?
  • I'm wanting to lose 94 pounds by this summer/fall. I'll be seventeen on the 20th! Wanna be weight loss buddies?
  • I'll be 21 in a couple months, and I'm looking to lose around 80 lbs by next year if anyone still wants/needs a buddy =]
  • when do u turn 21? i do in july. thats one of my goal points
  • i'll be 21 in march =] so excited lol
  • I went at it full-force but I wouldn't say extreme. At this point making sustainable lifelong changes that improve my health and life is what is of utmost importance--the weight comes along.
  • You want to do biggest loser style - you need a doctor in attendance daily eat 1200 calories a day and burn 6,000 and you'll need a body bugg to do that and you need to exercise 8 hours a day. Good luck. I have lost 200 and it took nearly 2 years but it's stayed off 33.
  • I think it would be impossible to go biggest loser style on your own. they have diets specially formulated for them. Their exercise is tailored for them as well. Plus they have trainers/TV staff pushing them. and of course there is also that chance of 250 grand at the end.

    I don't think there is anything wrong with going full force and hitting things hard. However even if your diet is perfect and you spend your free time exercising, you may still not see biggest loser style results.

    Good Luck to everyone. I understand wanting to lose weight as fast as possible, however our bodies don't always agree!
  • hello i am looking for a extreme dieter to motervate each toher threw a harsh diet. im 18 . comment back if you want to join me and we can mail and chat
  • Don't forget that the Biggest Loser contestants not only go through rigorous medical exams before the show, they also have a full medical staff and ambulance ready because what they are doing really is extreme and potentially dangerous. I'm afraid 3FC can't provide or support that.