Healthy packed lunches/snacks?

  • My class schedule is kind of tricky this semester. I have classes from 9am-2:45pm. I'm able to eat breakfast every morning which is my usual 1 cup plain shredded wheat + 1 cup skim milk. But I usually have a snack at 9-10am, lunch at 12pm, and another snack at 2pm. So with my class schedule, I'm missing at least one snack and lunch. I have about 10min between classes to eat, and I can fit some packed things into my bag. I don't have the money or the time to buy a salad everyday.

    Any suggestions on things that I can pack? I'd really prefer things that do NOT have to be kept cold as I have to hike pretty far around campus, and my bag is already full with books. I don't want to pack a huge lunch bag either. Any suggestions? I'm open.
  • Because I study over an hour from home, I've actually brought ALL my days meals to school before. And I had to pack a pretty big lunch bag, there weren't too many options.

    For meals... You can keep packets of instant oatmeal in your locker, maybe? Fruit and Nut bars, Canned products such as ham, tuna which are great topping for salads too. Boxes of unopened Knorr Soup cartons and a spare tupperware, so you can microwave it in the cafeteria?

    For snacks, I usually stash a Baybel cheese, a granola bar and an apple as a mini-meal in my bag, so I never get ravenously hungry and binge.
  • Ok...I have to pack lunches for my boyfriend and here's what I've been doing for him (and not all at once!):

    Snacks- Non-fat string cheese, carrots, whole grain crackers, homemade trail mix (bulk bins=amazing!), granola bar (check sugar content!), apple, banana, handful of nuts.

    Lunch- Veggie wraps, salad (obvs.), homemade and healthy pasta salad.

    I have one of these: that I got from Macy's and it's been wonderful. It has three different compartments so that things don't get mashed, and you can save on plastic bags!
  • string cheese
    celery sticks
    tuna packet (with plastic fork)
    mini quiche muffins
    chicken strips (cold)
  • I love packing lunch -- it's one of my nerdiest habits. I usually bring 2 good-sized snacks and a lunch to get me through my day at work. (I'm a vegan but generally I think my stuff is pretty normal.)

    - apple, banana, or couple of clementines plus small handful of nuts
    - apple plus mini clif bar or mini luna bar
    - almond milk with soy protein powder (with ice cubes this can sit out for a while)
    - other tasty bars -- luna, clif, larabar, Z bar (all are reasonably cheap at target or trader joe's)
    - dried apricots or prunes

    - soup (homemade or canned, just need a microwave)
    - dinner leftovers from the night before
    - hummus & veg sandwich plus baby carrots
    - veggie burger on bread with salsa -- this is so super easy because I don't even bother heating it, just let it defrost throughout the day
    - "meatballs" in sauce with frozen spinach or peas -- this is another one where I just throw frozen stuff in and let it defrost outside of the fridge all morning
  • * Lay's Light Potato Chips-These are completely FAT FREE! Best of all, they don't have the nasty taste the baked chips do, they taste the exact same as the regular potato chips. It still amazes me that more people don't buy these. It might be because they're not as "marketed" as the baked ones. The only problem is, they aren't available at all grocery stores (if you live near a Walmart, try there.)
    *Snack Pack Fat Free Pudding Cups
    *Tuna or Chicken- If you're pressed for time they have the packets and pull-top cans, as others have mentioned. If you like, you can chop up some apples and hardboiled eggs and mix it together with the tuna or chicken and some light miracle whip. You can put it in a tupperware container and eat it plain or bring crackers.
    *Lean Pockets-If you don't have access to a microwave at school, microwave it at home and just wrap it up.
  • I have been packing alot more to watch my intake as well as save money - I have been making a veggie snack consisting of carrots, cucumbers (that I cut like a stick, the organic ones seem to hold up and taste better), sugar snap peas and celery. I also found a recipe for roasted chickpeas that sounds awesome. Nuts are good. Unsweetened applesauce, dried fruits, homemade trail mix or granola. The suggestion for a wraps sounds good, or a pita bread sandwich.