
  • The sports bra attacked me! I went running Saturday and didn't tighten it up enough and got a lovely line of chafing--so Sunday I tried cinching it up and walked instead of running and now I have parallel sore red lines. The smoke signals you see will be the bra being burned!!!
  • The first thing I would do is get fitted for a good sports bra. Yeah, you may pay a little more, but your bac belly and boobies will appreciate it. Also make sure your straps are not too low. Your breasts shoud be up a little high. However if that doesn't work I would try getting a glycerine based deodorant and run that along your bottom band. It will help with the sweating. I recommending this family trick to a friend of mine when we ere doing trail work in Texas. She has a very large chest and needed something to prevent chaffing, I told her about the glycerine deodorant and it worked very well for her.
  • Yikes! Sounds like you need a new bra stat! Also you might try some body glide.

    Sorry that happened!
  • Oh, yes sports bra shopping ASAP. Fortunately, we have a large outlet store that sells Champion products and the special for January is sportsbras. Good timing.

    Thanks for the advice on the glycerine based deodorant and body glide.
  • the worst is when you chafe and then get in a hot shower....yikes!!!!