Good Morning Scale

  • Some weeks I dread getting on the scale, but this morning I had to get on it several more times to make sure I was seeing it right.... I'm under 250! This really isn't a mini goal for me since the first mini goal I have set is 230, the weight I was two years ago, but I was so happy to get on the scale and see 250 gone this morning! I'll admit it, I did gain 4lbs over the holidays, but staying determined to get back on track with my goals I was able to loose that plus a few more pounds this week. Even when I cooked healthy but thought I overate, the old me would have gone "Oh well" and probably ate some more, but now I'm more adamant about checking my calories. This is the first time I've tried loosing weight that everything finally started to click, even though I've already stumbled once I got back on my feet and saw results. This was a really great week for a new year. I hope everyone else is off to a splendid new year as well!
  • Congrats! I know it's a great feeling to finally see those numbers fall, and feeling it click. Good luck on the rest of your journey!
  • Yayayay! It's nice to pass those round numbers, for some reason. Keep it up!