New girl from Upper Michigan :)

  • Hey all, I'm Shannon. And I have decided that this year, 2010, is the year I am going to change my life around. I am 25 years old and I am so sickkkkk of being fat. My mother had gastric bypass surgery in April of 09 and I have seen how wonderful she feels since losing all her I am bound and determined to drop a LOT of weight....I have looked at those BMI charts and whatnot and have found myself to be in the "Obese" category....and I want OUT! About me, I am 6 ft tall, currently 326 lbs. and that number just makes me sick. In highschool I held a steady weight of 180-190lbs, but that was when I was constantly active playing hockey. When I started college in 2005, I had already started gaining weight and it just got worse eating all the crappy food at the cafe on campus and not to mention the junk I ate when I would get home after school. I have a really hard time with diets because I don't like that many different vegetables....example: I HATE and will NOT eat: onions, green peppers, tomatoes, mushrooms.....seems that if I do like a veggie it's not that great for you....potatoes, corn....etc. I am also an emotional eater....I'm upset, I eat...I'm happy, I celebrate...and eat. I'm bored....I eat.
    So, I went grocery shopping a few days ago and spent almost 200 dollars on things I like, that I "think" are semi-good for me, and have been trying to cut portion sizes way down. Tomorrow morning, I am joining our local fitness center with my boss and we are going to go to the gym at 5:30 each morning before work. So, I hope to look to all you gals for support too on my journey. I want to get back down to 180. I know, that is a lot of weight to lose, and I know you are suppose to set realistic goals, but really....I am being real. I don't want to die of a heart attack at age 25. So I want to get healthy!!!! Thanks for listening to my long rant. I'm sure there will be more to come
  • Another 6 foot girl! There are tons of us on here...

    I was a few pounds over your start weight so I understand about dropping a lot of weight. Try breaking it up into smaller chunks and only focusing on one chunk at a time. It's much less overwhelming. And smaller portions along with counting calories was key for me.

    Anyway, good luck to you and welcome! Jump right on in and post wherever you feel comfortable! It's a great group with lots of support and great advice.

  • Hi from Northern Michigan.

    I wouldn't worry about what you don't like. Start trying one new fruits and/or veggie every week and before don't give up after the first try. Sometimes preparation is the key and we have some excellent recipes on the site.
  • lots of great receipes on here...maybe try a few new veggies or fruit and drink that water so important....You can do it...take baby steps. let us know how you are doing...very impressed working out early in morning
  • Thanks everyone! I'm off to bed so I can be up early to start my first morning at the gym! Goodnight all!
  • Hi Shannon!
    How smart to make the necessary changes for a healthier you, sounds like you're off to a great start with a good plan - the support you need is here - we'll all be here to cheer you on.

    Glad to have you join us! There are lots & lots of different groups and forums - I'm sure you'll find some that will keep you motivated and inspired - you'll be a wonderful addition to any of them. There's also info and first hand advice on different eating plans and exercise to help get through the ups and downs. Try the 20 somethings forum - they're very active and a lot of support and help.

    There are bunches of people here with more to lose and some with less - the bottom line is that we all have to do it a day at a time. The good thing is that we'll have lots of company along the way.

    I've only been here a few months myself, having NEVER been part of an online forum. What has been so eye-opening is how much it has helped me. Whenever I feel overwhelmed or defeated, I just log on and read some of the success stories, complete with their before & after photos - or read about others still dealing day to day with their challenges - and before I know it, the time has flown by and so have all the thoughts of going off track or giving up. It has made all the difference in my success so far.

    So welcome - you 've found the right place - join in by inspiring us and being inspired!

    All the best - good luck with your goals,

  • Hi Shannon,
    I can totally relate to you. I am 25 years old too. I am not 6ft tall though haha! That makes my weight worse. I want this to be the year for me too. I am sooooooo tired of being the "fattest" one in pictures and I want to be healthy and fit to keep up with my niece and nephew. I am very picky too. I don't like for example..any noodles, rice, red meat, seafood/fish, cassaroles, the list goes waaay on. Everyone said I should be rail thin because I don't eat anything but I guess it had the opposite affect!!
  • Hey Shannon,

    Being sick of the extra weight will give you all the motivation to get rid of it!

    Congrats on making the decision to take control of your health.
  • Welcome! Don't worry about not liking certain vegetables, with calorie counting you only need to count what you eat. There are tons of delicious and nutritious fruits and veggies to choose from.

    Good luck on your journey. You deserve to be healthy and happy.
  • Hi Shannon and welcome to 3FC.

    You can find tons of tips here for eating healthy and recipes. Loads of support and inspiration too

    Good luck with your goals.
