It's a new dawn, a new day, a new life: Treating ourselves royally in 2010

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  • Hahaha -- that was 90 F, of course.
  • Good morning, my Awesome Friends who are on track and moving in the right direction.

    Feeling better about all myself as I'm just back from a 25 minute walk (with poles) but in my neighborhood - not the park where I usually take the poles. Just didn't want to take the few minutes driving time as I want to get to another thing or too.

    I even find a Cheerio here and there too - but not as smile giving I occasionally have some of the chocolate ones as a little treat. Find both mood and body doing better now that we're having a wee bit of the beautiful fall weather. No wonder I love the Equinox though it was a tad late taking effect this year. But now I have two wonderful months (almost) to wallow in fall.

    So many toys, Wildfire. Good for thee.

    I love my new pedicure color. I chose what looked like a medium purple - slightly iridescent. The tech said I'd love it when I got in different light. Well, I liked it as was but when I hit the light outside, I was bowled over. It changes to bluish and then again back to a deeper purple depending on movement. In my home light, it's a deeper blue to a deeper purple. I'm like a toddler - moving my toes around to discover the different hues. Ah, the simple joys.......

    Another joy - my cable company has about 64 (I think that's what they advertise) music channels. Well, Slowpoke finally got into the classical and easy listening ones a few months back but now I'm playing some of the others. I've always done better w/music in my life and these are turning out to be perfect. Choose as to mood. So far today it's been Blues - not that I'm blue but that I love those bod-shaking beats. Ready for a change now though. I'll surprise me

    Anyway, keep on inspiring me. I need it.

  • Okay, so it's Monday
    We can still enjoy ourselves, right? Even if we have to work? Shall try. to the rescue. I talked DH into a hike yesterday, along with DS, his GF and DGS. It was a really nice hike and just hilly enough for good aerobic boost. We miscalculated a bit -- thought the trail looped back and DH realized after we were about an hour in that it didn't. So we headed off-trail to find our way to the road. Then we had brunch: scrambled eggs with smoked salmon, dill, red onion and capers. It was good!

    The leaves are changing here, nice for Thanksgiving. I'll get DGS to help me gather some for decorations for the table. I'm going to try to get cleaning and food prep done ahead as much as possible so I don't suddenly realize on Sunday that the house is grubby and not a thing ready. Shall make a list, I shall.

    All goes well here diet and exercise-wise. Now I'm just tapping my finger waiting for the fabled whoosh fairy.

    Anagram, so glad you're feeling better! It's like a switch sometimes when the weather changes. I'm quite toddler-like with my toe polish colors too. Mine is burnished berry brown right now but your iridescent purple sounds divine! How lucky we are to be able to appreciate these things so much.

    Woo-hoo Wildfire! Three more pounds is fantastic! I salute you for the toys, as well. Loving the picture of you flying along the roads.

    Well, I haven't heard anything back about the mullet yet. It is pretty subtle. DS and his GF said they didn't really figure it out, just thought it looked like someone hadn't quite finished a haircut. He's very cute, anyway.

    Right, then. It IS Monday and I should be getting some actual work done. Let's make this a good one, Lovelies!
  • And the loss is holding...I half expected to see the scale climb this morning, but I am still 5lbs down after the weekend's loss.

    I've been having nasty headaches for a couple of weeks, since I really started following WW and counting and journalling. I realized that I hadn't had ANY chocolate in that time and wondered...could I be missing the chocolate? There are chemicals in it that our brains I had a couple of the princess's mini eggs yesterday and within 30 minutes the headache was gone. Hmmm. Today whilst grocery-ing I picked up some Kit-Kat singles and Dairy Milk singles, 2 points a piece. I think I can force myself to work one in after dinner with coffee as a treat, in the name of headache-free days.

    I did manage to get a ride in before the rains caught up with me and forced me home. It was lovely, a deserted side road north of the city that bends and winds through farmland with stands of trees in their fall glory. Yes, the toys are fun...and the motorcycle is cheaper (and more fun!) than therapy.

    Purple toenails are also fun, anagram!! And I love the digital music on our cable, too. I even put the "spa" type channels on while princess naps. They play classical music at her daycare during naptime and she settles right down when she hears it.

    Arabella, Thanksgiving does kinda sneak up on us, doesn't it? I suppose I should buy a turkey this week if we're going to eat one. The hike with the family sounds like a great way to spend a Sunday morning. I'm sure I saw the Whoosh Fairy lurking...

    wsw, how was your weekend?

    Dinner calls, and I am answering!
  • And on we go
    I had one of those "oh this is EASY!" feelings yesterday morning, like I couldn't be shaken off plan. But just as I was about to express such feelings in a post I remembered how often that very sort of claim has been followed by an ugly incident. So. I was on guard and ready for the who was nipping at my heels yesterday. I was just hungry all day, which isn't problematic in itself -- hungry = eat -- but can cause problems if I don't have the right kind of stuff on hand. Anyway, got through and had a good day.

    Had a good choir practice last night and I'm finding some audio practice files online to help. Thank goodness -- some of this stuff is very challenging. Thinking practicing might be a good idea?

    Wildfire, I'm loving your descriptions of your drives, thanks for posting. I'm so enjoying it vicariously, that lovely feeling of being right out there in the landscape as you fly through it. Really quite magical.

    How beith all my other lies? Let's take this day and make it WORK for us!
  • I, too, am living vicariously w/Wildfire - and with Arabella as we have little color change yet. Hearing it may not happen - that we've been too dry and the leaves will just drop. Hoping not and there has been a little here and there but not enough yet to inspire one of my leisurely tree searching rides. Anyway, bike rides and hikes are inspiring and both sound like fun.

    Mullet sounds cute (and, I say, she who takes to barbershop gets to choose) and the thought of the little dear falling asleep to light classical brings a smile to my old face.

    So cold and damp here yesterday - only somewhat better today but looking forward to some beautiful weather SOON.

    On Monday I was down .6 pound from last Monday but today was up .2 fro last Monday. So the whoosh fairy is NOT in PA. But I am doing better and envying my two Northern Royals.

    One advantage of your Thanksgiving being a month earlier than mine is that mine's not as likely to sneak up on me. But I still think I'd prefer your date. Did put out a (very) few pumpkin thingies.

    Working on moving the cooler weather clothes around. Amazing how they always look good when you first get them ready but by spring, they are so blah. I don't really NEED anything but may go looking for a few fresh pieces and make me part with some usable but old things. Need inspiration whereever I can find it.

    BIL is through his preliminary testing - biopsy tomorrow. They're still holding out a thread of optimism that what they're seeing might be "something else". Needless to say, I'm voting for that.

    Don't work too hard, Arabella. Remember that sometimes does you in. I am still doing better than I had been for a while. Body not quite back to feeling pretty good but mood is MUCH better.

    So I shall gambol out and pick up the mail............
  • Girls, do you realize that we three all joined here within months of each other, ten years ago? We've been battling the same battle for ten years. Some success along the way but I know I'm back to where I started. Let's make this the last time, yeah?

    Arabella, good job outsmarting ! I have always loved being on a motorcycle - been a passenger with someone or other since I was 16 and dated a guy who rode. Having my own is SO much fun! When I'm out on the bike it's just me, the fresh air, and the asphalt. No work, family, money, nada. It is the perfect escape. Ever thought about getting your license?

    anagram, we have lots of bright golds on the trees - so beautiful against steel blue skies that only October brings. The reds on the sugar maples are a bit slow this year, but I've seen a few changing.

    I'm a believer that every child should be exposed to classical and jazz just like I was growing up. Even if they decide they don't like it later, how will they ever know if not? I love the Siriusly Sinatra channel on my satellite radio. Such wonderful tunes of days gone by, not just Frank, but Rosemary Clooney, Etta James, Ella Fitzgerald, Mel Torme, Nat King Cole, Count that played in our house when I was growing up.

    I really need to go through my closet, too. Been avoiding it because I know a lot of things are snug thanks to weight gained over the summer. But I suppose I could at least weed out summer things I know I won't wear again and get winter organized. Maybe this weekend since I have an extra day.

    I'm voting for "something else", too, anagram!

    Hump day tomorrow. Let's show it who's boss!
  • Ten years, huh
    Always sobering to think of that, Wildfire. And, in the"misery loves company" category, I'm just a couple of pounds down from where I started. I think that first year, I got down to 195. And then up again, although not as high as this. Then hovering around 204 for about a year. And now here I am again. Shocking. YES! Let's make this the last time. Onward!

    Well, that's set the under me. There's no time to waste -- my new motto.

    When DGS was a toddler, one Sunday morning DH and I were reading the papers and listening to music. Something by Tchaicovsky came on and the baby came running over to us, throwing his hands in the air and eyes wide, like "Do you HEAR this? It's INCREDIBLE!" It was such an intense and visceral experience for him. I've since used it in a symphony review to describe the power of one performance.

    Anagram, the "mullet" IS cute -- and it amused me to let him have it. I probably wouldn't have, had his hair been long enough for a real one. Apparently there's something called a "fashion mullet" now -- that's what he's got.

    You're so right about the work thing -- I really needed a day off yesterday and should have just taken one. On the plus side, I asked for Friday off to go with Monday and was granted it so I've got a four-dayer coming up. Sending good energy for BIL!

    DH is off to Halifax again today and I'm going to plan myself a "spa" evening. Supposed to be another mild day here today. I'm going to head over to the offices earlyish and then get out for a longer walk later on.

    Let's take this day we've been given and make it WORK for us!

  • Saturday again -- the weeks are flying. I'm trying to slow things down by paying attention and doing interesting things. I went on another hike with the group yesterday, just over 2 hours -- which is really enough for me at this point. I always feel like I should be able to do so much more. I guess the message is that I WILL be able to as long as I keep trying. Most of these women are very slim and fit so it's really not surprising that having to haul my avoirdupois would make it harder for me.

    Stupid reality! The harshest part was that we shuffled cars to get one at the end of the trail and had to squeeze four women into a three-seater back seat. I tried to get into the back and couldn't get the door closed after cramming into the space they'd left. A plainspoken woman said "Maybe you should get in the front, Ivy." I just said "Yes, I guess I should. I've got the biggest bottom." Which was true but left me feeling a bit of nasty reality shock. Like I didn't know, huh. Still feeling a bit bothered by it but picking up the pieces and getting on with life.

    Anyway, I've been doing very well, food-wise and habit wise. This time when DH is away could have turned out to be disastrous that way so I've been more attentive. Woke up feeling slimmer this morning, tummy flatter. Pants were looser yesterday. I thought to myself -- I don't care what you say, scale, I've made progress. I'm thinking that to make the numbers move, I'm going to need to be more careful with food, although I'm doing better there too. Just doesn't seem to be translating to pounds down.

    Today, I'm going to try to get as much done for tomorrow's dinner as possible. DH asked what needed doing other than the usual vacuuming and bathroom cleaning and I said the kitchen appliances and counters all need a good clean. He said his theory was to get people into the living room and give them a few drinks before they went into the kitchen.

    K, I'm just going to take another dunk and then get out for a run through the woods. Bright and out there today, if cool.

    Have a lovely weekend, Queenies!
  • happy thanksgiving, arabella and wildfire!!

    anagram-thought of you and your fun purplish nail polish when i treated myself to a manicure and pedicure yesterday. i got a more basic fall-ish color(sort of brick color) but only because the choices weren't as fun as what you described.

    hope bil's biopsy turned out ok after all.

    have missed all our lovely royals. had a few pesky "ms technical difficulties" which definitely seem better now. op now, but these past many months are much sketchier than they could have been. demon scale definitely reflected my playing too footloose and fancy free with my food program. so, to put it on "paper" i am 191 now. this is after gaining weight, and losing some of those re-tread pounds. i feel like i am back on solid footing, but only time will tell. well, take care, all.
  • So here we go Tuesday! To be bright and here today so I'll get my mom out leaf-peeping later. Then, probably back here for dinner. I've downloaded "Topper" and we'll watch that. Must look for more of her favorites.

    I slacked over Thanksgiving and, to a lesser extent, yesterday. Today's the day, though, and away we go. Just about light enough for through the woods. I'm suited up and ready to go.

    WSW, brick sounds beautiful too, and very seasonal. Darn those technical difficulties!

    It's always empowering to face reality. Can't really deal with it otherwise, which I guess is the point For me anway... on some level, I'm thinking if I don't acknowledge it I don't have to do anything about it. Then stupid reality comes along and bites me on my ample bee-hind.

    And how beith other lies? Missing all the missing today and wishing them well wherever they roam.

    Let's make this a good one!
  • arabella-hope you and your mom enjoyed recent leaf-peeping, and watching "topper" later. i loved the "topper" movies!

    hi anagram!

    greetings, wildfire!

    staying on plan with food and exercise so far. still feeling harder than it had about 6 months ago, but not as challenging as it started to feel a few months ago. anyway, difficult or not, i plan to finish off the day op. period!

    the recent weather has been so gorgeous. well, today was rainy and stormy, but this recent gift of beautiful weather here has been a real treat, and i have enjoyed every moment of it. well, hope all our lovely royals have a pleasant evening!

  • Ten years - and I'm still battling too. 200.6 this a.m. and that was a give from the demon. Sometimes we work on one thing - in this case, my "social" life which I had promised me I would do and the recent successes in that department have worked against me in the weight department

    But onward - I've not been deliberately lost - notices stopped again after working for a while so I'll have to "tax" my mind into remembering.

    Brick polish may be my next choice - sounds perfect for now. Sorry about tech problems, wsw, and belated holiday greetings to w & a.

    Unfortunately BILs cancer IS back. Still undergoing tests/visits. Not hearing much from DSis - I'm thinking she's gathering her strengths. Their DD & DSIL are in from West Coast and helping arrange all. Two competent youngsters and two strong shoulders for them to lean on albeit temporarily.

    Am waiting for DS to arrive for a day or two. I'm assuming he's coming to work as well as visit so have a honey-do list ready. Weather here is glorious too today after some gloomies.

    Went to tai chi today, found out it was cancelled for some reason. Maybe DS will be ready for a walk - but suspect he took a good run before heading up.

    Anyway, I must learn to control portions of the healthy stuff I'm eating. Have blood work the end of the month and need to get some numbers in better shape.

    Hugs and all that.
  • And again

    here today. DH and I went for a walk -- I opted for shorter and then came back to do yoga. I'll be out again later for the first symphony performance of the season, so that'll be another half-hour.

    I've been pulling it together, adding new tools to the weight loss battle. And I KNOW this will eventually result in success. No change, scale-wise yet, but it's got to be a matter of time. I'm tracking my food again, after reading yet again how much more successful people who do it are. I can see already that it gives me pause when I have the impulse to eat something. Like I can kid myself about how much I'm eating until I put it down on paper. I can use an accountability

    I've started doing my full instead of the half-set I'd been doing for about a year. Taking my coffee black. Getting back to the "looking after myself" theme that I started this year on. And building fun, rest and pleasure back into my days.

    Somehow I've gotten into that mind-space where I'm allowing myself to waste time at the computer even when it does not in the least feel like what I want to do. So I've put a timelock program on Facebook and Twitter and resolve to GET UP from the computer when I know in my heart I need a break.

    I managed a mani-pedi yesterday (same one I've been threatening for weeks ). "Make mine mango" is the name of the color. I had trouble settling on one but thinking I might have to return to "Vixen" instead. I'd go for brick if I had that color - may have to purchase same. We could be toe triplets!

    WSW, yay for you being back on track! This thing isn't easy but it sure seems less difficult after we've been going for a little while. Nice catch staying in Onederland, anyway. It seems like a hard place to get out of! Glad you've been having some nice weather.

    Anagram, so sorry to hear about BIL! Keeping you and yours in my thoughts.

    You're doing so well hanging right around the border of Onederland. So wishing I had done the same instead of shooting back upwards in spurts. See, you could have been 25 pounds up. You're in a much better spot! Ah well, the only way is onward.

    Have a nice visit with DS!

    K, Lovelies, let's treat ourselves royally today!

  • Make way! Wayfaring Queen on a pilgrimage!

    10 years, eh? That really struck me. I want to get to maintainence!

    A few days ago I realized that if I could lose a mere 10 pounds [again!] I could wear all the lovely clothes in my closet, not just the few I'm favoring now. I'm using that as my motivation. That, and on a quest to move sugar out of my life, 'cause the last time I was at my magical goal weight I'd kicked refined sugar out.