NTS: reading != participating

  • *salsa points to her bottom*

    See that, 100lb-clubbers? That's my tail between my legs

    I've been reading along but it seems that unless I actively take part in what's going on, I'm not letting 3fc help me as much as possible. So here I am again.

    I've no idea how much I weigh right now: my ticker was probably fibbing a few days before Christmas, but lord only knows I haven't been paying enough attention to my food since then either. It's even to the point where I don't get on the scales each morning either.

    This is probably partly due to the holiday season (I wasn't with my family this year, for good reason, but it meant I'm mostly alone) and unusual snow here meaning that the prospect of getting outdoors for exercise was advised against, let alone undesirable.

    However! Tomorrow is a new day and even though I'm going to a friend's for a NYE party (and taking banana bread with me), I'm going to have some serious control as to what goes into my mouth. I'm going to get up at a decent time (I call the winter 12-noon-sleep-ins my "Post-Midnight Mass Sleep Schedule") and have three sensible meals, with appropriate snacks, resisting my friend's pushing alcohol onto me, and have fun.

    Make it so!

    (Haven't been a serious Star Trek fan for years, but occasionally one can get away with it...right? )
  • Get on that scale, girl! Avoiding it doesn't help the situation - it just allows you to postpone facing the problem. Own up to it! It'll help you get back on track.

    And posting is most important when you're struggling. Trust me, I know from experience that pulling away from here means I'm trying to avoid facing up to the fact I'm not doing well.

    Now hold that tail high and stick around!
  • Glad you posted. Every single day is a new beginning.

    Plan for the future - but, take it a day at a time!
  • Glad to see you post! Don't feel too bad and don't beat yourself up. There have been a lot of us that need to get back on the wagon after a little holiday indulgence!!!
  • Salsa Chip I missed you! Jump on that darn scale...get it over with... post it and get on with it... Keep coming back
  • huge and massive healing hugs. GET BACK ON THAT HORSE (scale) and we're with you every single step of the way girlfriend!!!!
  • Oh yes Salsa, you can Make It So!
  • what everyone else has said! Face that scale and start over....you can do it girlie!
  • Ug, I feel wubbed!

    I've been talking through things with my sister. She was reassuring me that in terms of my outlook I'm much better now than a year ago, and used this phrase: "You're ok, this stress is different. You've listed four things you're not happy with and you've already got solutions outlined - some of which you've already put into place. You've just had too much sugar recently."

    So now at least I know there's something that's approaching a "trigger food" for me. It might sound weird, but that's something of a relief, I guess. At least this isn't so ad hoc anymore - does that make sense?

    Now I know that if I want cookies, I can have them - but it really does stay at one a day. And even though I might be hanging out at a friend's place, I can't drink my way through the stockpile of cola they have there.

    Here's to the New Year. Thanks everyone
  • Way to start NOW instead of Jan 1!
  • I'm back! And raring to go. I've signed up for the January points challenge and will carry on with the Onederland and Valentines Vixen challenge too

    Food and water on plan so far, and going to get half an hour's exercise in soon too. Bring it on!
  • What a great way to start the new year!! You've given a lot of thought to what got you off track - resulting in some good insights. Plus you've gotten lots of support from people here, and your sister.

    Yea!! Salsa Chip!!! you are doing it
  • thanks again to you for giving me a nudge when my boat drifted away. I'm so going to cheer you on to onederland and beyond, ha you'll be there in no time.
  • Quote: thanks again to you for giving me a nudge when my boat drifted away. I'm so going to cheer you on to onederland and beyond, ha you'll be there in no time.
    Oh, I assure you, that was entirely selfish on my part: you've written some really wonderfully helpful and supportive posts to me in the past few months and I was needing the pepping up from my favourite New Yorker!