well that was weird...

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  • I was picking up buns (whole wheat) and cough drops at a corner store that I NEVER ever go too... I only went there because it was on the way to my parents house and we were having dinner there tonight.

    And I walk in and the cashier immediately tells me "you are my weight loss hero! I think that if you can do it than I can too! Tell me did you go through major cravings when you were losing weight?"

    So I make conversation, wish her luck... and went on my way.

    The weird part? I have NO FREAKING IDEA who she was! None at all! The only two things I can think of were

    1. She's from HERE
    2. She's a friend of a friend and has seen my pictures on facebook... but she IMMEDIATELY knew who I was!

    very strange... so if SHE is here... please introduce yourself cause I'm wiggin out! lolz!
  • lol! That is so cute! See? You're an inspiration! =D
  • 3. She mistook who you were.

    This happened to me once. She asked me about my weight loss. I didn't have the heart to correct her. She also asked when I cut my hair. It was another redhead fat girl she mistook me for.
  • Probably a 3FC lurker... that would be weird but it also shows how much your hard work is an inspiration to others. Congrats!
  • Kinda freaky huh? I had a garage sale a while back and a lady said the same thing to me! I had no idea who she was!

    You have obviously made an impact on her.
  • Gosh, that IS kinda weird. But flattering! You're practically a celeb.
  • Wow...and you live in a larger community right? Where I live (in a town of 10,000) my dh is well known (and I am a transplant to this town) so people speak to me all the time...like they know me. I have (sorta) gotten used to it. I agree it is a weird feeling...and weight loss is such a personal thing. So glad you have 3FC to come and talk about it!
  • Or she knows you from somewhere else. Maybe there is another place that she sees you all the time at. You've never noticed her, but she has seen you shrink, so she noticed you!!
  • Quote: Or she knows you from somewhere else. Maybe there is another place that she sees you all the time at. You've never noticed her, but she has seen you shrink, so she noticed you!!
    Hmmmm... I'm very observant so I think that I would have noticed her. And she's very sweet and outgoing so she probably would have approached me by now I would think!

    I'm still stumped. But I HOPE that she succeeds in her weight loss journey I'm going to have to stop there the next time I make the trek to my parents and ask who she is!!!!
  • Wow! That is strange. However, even if it is a case of mistaken identity, you've inspired someone and that is cool.
  • Well, it sure wasn't me
    Never the less...you are one of my weight loss hero's

    I've been in a bad rut since July & am struggling not to gain back every pound I lost.

    You really are an inspiration !
  • Not guilty, cfmama!

    Go back and ask her. She's practically a cousin! (And we'd like to know.)
  • I have a friend from another forum who goes by a nickname that is nothing like her real name. She was at a function at her kids' school and saw her Avon lady there, who called her by her online forum name by mistake! My friend didn't even know that this other woman was a lurker there, so she felt kind of funny that the other woman called her by that name. She wasn't quite so forthcoming with personal stories in the forum after that because it kind of freaked her out a little bit.
  • I can totally see that! I only share things online (including my blog) that I don't CARE who knows. Trust me... there's some VERY strange things about my life that I DON'T share with anyone online
  • I am completely with you cfmama! I always assume that people I know in the real world will read anything that I say online. A programmer I used to know always said that there were no secrets online!