"PETA-files" at is again

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  • An interesting combo...Peta & Catholic League

    LOL on the peta in refernce to gyro!
  • Honestly, I'm not offended by nudity in the least. It is the fact that using women's bodies to 'sell' something, even if it is something I believe in. I truly believe in adopting shelter animals but do you really need to sell that with a naked body?

    I say just ignore them. If you want to know about shelter animals, look at the ASPCA or HSUS, if you want to know about the cruelties of factory farming and the fur industry, look at HSUS.
  • I'm not offended, but also not too strongly religious. And pretty desensitized to nudity (art school ) And I totally agree with the message. My family has always been pretty big on adopting rather than buying, as buying encourages breeding leading to overpopulation and there are too many homeless animals already. That said, I don't agree with all things PETA, they're a crazy bunch!
  • Definately in bad taste. I don't get offended too easily but this did it and I am not even catholic. That said, though, I do believe in the message. We have two adopted dogs, one through a Safe Haven Society and the other one my husband adopted after someone found him on the street. I have a bumper magnet on my car that says Save a Life, Adopt a Homeless Animal so I am definately for adopting animals and not buying from pet shop.
  • Hmmm...PETA...my husband has a shirt for PETA. (People Eating Tasty Animals)
  • The ad is in poor taste, in my opinion, but it doesn't necessarily offend me. I do think the ad is poorly designed in general, though. Doesn't PETA raise enough money to hire a good graphic artist to finish their print work???

    Regardless, the message is something I agree with. Dh and I have two shelter animals that we love dearly.
  • I agree. It is in poor taste and poorly designed. They also had to know they would offend some people, which strikes me as a poor choice when they are trying to convince people to do something they want.