OMG... I am ridiculous.

  • I went to the wellness center the Army Post my hubs is stationed at to get tested and do a physical profile.
    So they measured my
    -Body Fat %
    -Fat mass
    I was astounded by my numbers. I knew I was obese and I knew I had fat on me, but WHOA eye opener.
    Body Fat % was 41.9
    BMR was only 1711
    Fat Mass was 81.9 lbs!!!!
    Holy fat mass BATMAN! I am just whoa.. speechless. I have an appt for the gym on something called Fitlink. So they can monitor what I am doing and staying on plan with working out. So this is my low point pretty much. Help and support please.
  • Wow! What a great wake up call! I mean... it's not nice... but it gets one's attention!

    If it's any consolation, my body fat % when I started was 44%. At my goal weight it was 33%--so it CAN improve! I think exercise and getting fit is very important for body fat lowering.

    Good for you for making a start!

  • Think how great it is going to feel in a few months when all those numbers are way down!
  • DAng, I dislike reality checks! Especially since it looks like it by your ticker that you have lost weight.

    I know when I calculated my own and saw that I was in LEVEL 3 of the morbidly obese...whew, it still gives me shivers!

    Keep going and putting one foot in front of the other. Peace be with you!

  • JayI totally understood what you were saying. It was the biggest wake up call ever!! Thanks for the ray of hope.

    Matt It will be GREAT when the numbers are down. I will be back in like a month with it down. lol

    Cathy Thanks and reality check more like reality car crash to a brick wall. I am reacting surprisingly well. I am more motivated than anything. I would have HATED to see my numbers before I started losing weight.

    Thanks for the support ladies and gent!
  • Good luck with your goals, you can do this
  • Yeah and if you are trying to get on here for support....kiss that good-bye! I hope you are doing well and your "ow-ies" from crashing into the wall are mending :kiss: on a boo boo!

  • Thanks onderchic!

    haha Cathy my boo boos are a lot better today. lol You mean by the sever being too busy for the support? Man THAT was annoying.
  • I never did all that testing, though I bought one of those tanita's that has the bmi (which seems to vary according to how hydrated I am)

    as shocking as those numbers might have been, I bet it will be very cool for you to compare your new numbers as your body changes. you might want to take pics too. have your before and afters. good luck with everything!

    ps I love your avatar
  • Yep--many of us here have received those "wake up calls." For me it was a couple of things--having 3 siblings with very serious diseases, seeing a photograph of myself and having a Wii tell me I was "obese."

    The great thing is that you are opening the door right now. You have been a shut in but you know the sun is going to feel great. Keep going! It only takes a couple of steps to get off the porch and feel those rays!
  • I have taken the lovely before pictures and some during. I am happy that I was able to see the negative effects my eating has had on my body.

    Thanks Thighs Be Gone I am more motivated now than I have ever been. Yeah the Wii told me I was obese as well.