Blood Type Diet

  • Hope this is the right place to post this. Has anyone tried this? I glanced through the little book (Eat Right 4 Your Type) and checked some of the things it said for my blood type. One of the things that caught my eye was it said soy is suppose to be highly beneficial for my type. But one, I'm hypothyroid. Which I am on medication for. And two, my estrogens are all super high. And soy is a phytoestrogen. I don't need more estrogen in my body, real or whatever. So I'm not sure if this would be something that would really benefit me or not. It also said my blood type does well as a vegetarian. So if I cut out meat, including eggs and dairy, I'm not sure where the **** I am going to get my protein. It also said I shouldn't eat whey. But back to my main question. Anyone tried this diet?
  • I follow a vegan diet and my proteins come from beans, grains, veggies, nuts, etc. There are certain grains that are really good in terms of protein such as quinoa and amaranth. Basically, everything you eat has protein in it (except some pure fats). Eating a varied diet gives you plenty of protein.

    As for blood type diet though, I've read that it is a bunch of hooey psuedo science. Webmd had a really good write up about it but I can't seem to find it.
  • I totally agree with the OP's confusion. Because it tells me I would do best with lots of meat and do poorly with higher carbs, but I'm much happier and feel much better vegetarian and I eat plenty of carbs. I have a hard time finding any merit to their "science."
  • I think it's one of those diets that it works for some but not all- but we can say that of any diet. Some people do well calorie counting, others do well on South Beach or Atkins, and so on

    If you can't eat soy due to your condition I wouldn't recommend following that particular diet.
  • Quote: I think it's one of those diets that it works for some but not all- but we can say that of any diet. Some people do well calorie counting, others do well on South Beach or Atkins, and so on
    Yeah, I think you can make up any system for classifying people into high or low carb or protein or whatever, and you will get some right just by pure chance, and I think that is what goes on with this particular diet.
  • Is that diet from a long time ago? (within 10 years) Cuz I think I remember my sil doing the diet? Cathy