Slightly OT: Freshman Year Homecoming Dress

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  • SO, I just found this picture on my photobucket...

    (ignore the creepy eyes)

    That was my freshman year homecoming that point I was probably 5'6 or 5'7...and around 180 lbs....I would be happy if I was even able to get back to that. i think that's the best I ever looked...I want to look better. I want to have an actual waist again, and I'd love for my arms to not look like sausages...haha. Even in THAT picture, they don't look all that great..

    I'm just excited, that picture is a very good motivator for me...which is kinda strange, because at that point I ALREADY thought that I was fat...but I look at it now and I don't see a fat girl...I see a beautiful girl...

    I just want to be able to get back to that.


    I just found another picture, I had just gotten my hair done, and done my makeup for the dance...and I hadn't put on the dress yet...but just look at my face...

    I have an actual bone structure in my face, without taking pictures laying down. I want that back! lol
  • I think you look amazing in all your photos, past and present
  • Print it and bring it with you when you need extra motivation
  • I have a picture like that from my high school graduation where I'm wearing a white dress and I look sooo tiny! I found the dress and have it hanging on the outside of my closet door for extra motivation. It really helps even just to picture it in my head when I'm out somewhere and wanting to cheat. You can do it!!
  • You look beautiful. The picture should be great motivation.
  • You are just so beautiful!

    I have the same thing - I have pictures from my senior prom - I was about 155 lbs and a size 10 and I thought I was HUGE - but I use it for motivation. I have one picture at work (its a family picture so its not so weird) and I have various pictures hung around my apartment.

    Keep going, you're doing great
  • Beautiful! I'm still waiting for my facial bone structure too lol ..
  • Oh, my goodness -- you are gorgeous! Love your eyes with your hair color.
  • Thank you all for the compliments...

    Stella, by my senior prom..I was already over 200 lbs. Here's a picture of my

    Yeah, when I uploaded it right after prom, I cropped it a lot to hide my super huge arms and such...and I no longer have a copy of the original...

    The guy was (and still is) one of my best friends.
  • Quote: .

    I'm just excited, that picture is a very good motivator for me...which is kinda strange, because at that point I ALREADY thought that I was fat...but I look at it now and I don't see a fat girl...I see a beautiful girl...

    It's interesting you say that. I feel the same when I look at my high school photos. I thought I was fat, but now I look back and see a pretty girl.I would love to get back to my high school weight.

    You have made some great progress, before you know it you will be that girl in the photo again!
  • I feel the same about my intermediate school photos! (from when I was 11/12). I always thought I was fat, now I look back and I was so gangly at that age all arms and legs, not really fat at all
  • So I'm not the only one I've got some old pictures of myself and in them I'm very slim, and strangely enough I remember that I felt a bit podgy in all of them.
  • Divine- you look amazing and I love your new avatar!! I feel the same way about my high school photos-- looking back at my 140lb self when I was 175 made me so angry with myself for ever thinking I was fat. When I go home for Thanksgiving I"m going to try on my old freshman homecoming dance dress, and my prom dress, which are still hanging in my closet...maybe I'll post pics In the meantime, here's me at prom in 2003:

  • wow forest, I love that dress....and I don't EVER remember being that skinny. I've always had huge huge arms...I would kill for arms like yours..

    well..not really...but you know what I mean.

    I'm definitely glad that I'm not the only one who's realized how stupid they were for thinking they used to be fat....I remember being 5'7 and wearing a size 10 and thinking that just because I wasn't one of those super tiny girls that I was fat...I'd wear hoodies in the summer just so I could hide myself...I wore baggy pants and huge t-shirts and I don't think I've ever worn a short skirt in public in my LIFE....I literally drowned myself in clothes just to hide how big I THOUGHT I was, but really I wasn't ugly at all...

    I guess maybe part of it was because I grew so much faster then everyone else. I was 5'6 in 3rd grade...and I slowed down a lot after that...but I was 5'6 and wearing a C cup and a size 8 jeans in 3rd grade while everyone else was still like 5'2 or 5'3 and wearing kids clothes...that probably had a lot to do with it, I just felt like a giant.

    I would kill to get back down to those sizes. I STILL doubt I could ever get into single digit jeans, it seems to me my hips are just too wide...but I guess you never know. lol
  • Thanks arms don't look like that anymore; I think I have some loose skin around the tops of my triceps, but I am working on them and I think they are getting more toned. My next goal is to be able to do an unassisted pull up. Right now I can only do about half my body weight, so that goal should keep me occupied for a while, lol. And I remember being an adult size 8 in 6th grade when everyone else was like a kids 8-14. That was rough. I didn't know where to shop for clothes.