100 lb Accountability 9 - 15 November

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  • Do you need accountability? A place to post your menu or your plan for the day? Please post here. Everyone is welcome.
  • Hi lovelies!

    How's everyone! I'm going to apologize right now because it's going to be drive by postings from me for the next week - lots happening and I'm really disorganised. I don't think anyone's surprised to hear that!

    So yeah, I've got a wedding to go to on Saturday and while I've got the outfit, I still need to get shoes and the wedding present. That's going to be challenging....

    For me, things are just plodding along - gym's going well, food not so well. It's getting to the time of year when things start getting busy for me - I've got the wedding, my birthday, my friend's birthday, my sister's birthday and all the Christmas functions are starting up as well. I'm tempted to just call it quits for now and concentrate on maintaining till after Christmas rather than worry about losing since I know that's going to be near impossible. I don't know - I'll keep thinking it over, but I'm leaning towards focussing on maintenance and any loss in the next 6 weeks or so is a bonus.

    Take care everyone!
  • Good Morning! Back to work today...I liked being at the conference better! LOL!!! Not happy w/ the scale this am, but well, it's my own fault. I didn't do as well w/ food as I would have liked while I was away, but not going to beat myself up over it either.

    Back to the gym today....I am happy to get back into my routine!
  • Hi everyone. I had a great week last week, so I was able to lose the 3 pounds that I put on the week before when I wasn't as good. I'm happy with that. Now I just need to stay on plan and keep it going in the right direction. I've been going walking at noon with a friend of mine along with going to the gym in the morning. I think that extra work has really helped.

    MJ: Good to be back in a routine! Fun to go places, but good to get back to a healthy routine!

    Nicolen: Good luck with all of your activities!! Sounds busy!

    Have a great day everyone.
  • Diane--Great job walking during the day, too!

    nicolen--You sound super busy! Good luck getting stuff done!

    I am tempted to run out and get some coffee, BUT it is too tempting to pick up somthing yummy while I am out, so I am going to stay put! I'll go fill up my water bottle in a minute--that will help!
  • I need my accountability. I like this thread. Last week I came in late in the week because I'm still a newbie. I wanted to exercise both thursday and friday. Exercise is my big hurdle, I don't like it. Well I went one of two days. Better than none at all.

    This week I promise myself no trips to fast food, watch my salt intake and 3 days of exercise at the pool/gym. Walking everyday, if its raining then exercise/walk on the spot indoor.
    I've lost 15lbs in almost 2 months and I'm very proud but stuck at 260. I want to get under that in the next week. Its been a long time since my body has seen 259... Even though that's still so very overweight, its my little mini -goals to reach for.

    Here's to everyone else and their accountability plan for the week! Good luck and come back for inspiration often. I sure do
  • Hi, all,

    I've stuck to my plan like glue for nearly a month and have lost... well, it's a bit hard to tell how much. The scale(s) (2 of them, one a Wii Fit balance board and the other a fairly new WW scale) are just bouncing all over the place. One day it's 250, the next day it's 243, then up to 248, then down to 245... you get the picture. Wild fluctuations for no discernible reason that I can tell. I'm assuming it's water weight and probably tied to sodium intake since that's one thing I don't watch so closely -- which isn't to say I'm a salt fiend. Who can say? I figure I'm in for the very long haul, so best to not focus on the scale too much in any case. Food consumption has been spot on. Exercise has been perfect. Eventually, that scale has got to come down for good!!

    nicolen, have fun at the wedding and enjoy how great you look in that new outfit!!

    mj5, isn't it cool to be in a place where your routine is a welcome place to be? Well done to you!

    Slashnl, congrats on re-losing that 3 pounds! Definitely sounds like your walking is an assist. Keep it up!

    Keep well, all. Rae
  • Hi again! Just getting in the right frame of mind to head out to the gym. I am doing legs/back weights and cardio tonight. Food choices have been good, so far.

    yourself!!! I know you will get below 260 in the next week!

    reabeaR--Hi! Ugh....the darn scale! Keep at it, the scale will cooperate in the end!
  • Well, the scale said I was up 2lbs, but I don't think that's the case because I haven't eaten enough to warrant that - I've been pretty consistent with my calories, so I think it's water related. I'm not too worried about it. At any rate, I'm still plugging away and did my workout today.
  • Good Morning! I did my planned workout last night. It felt so good to get back into the gym! Did I REALLY just say that?! LOL!

    raken--Keep at it, the scale will catch up!

    Todays plan at the gym is arms/shoulders and cardio.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • Wow! Aren't we a quiet group! Am I going to have to start singing....no, we don't want that! LOL!!!!

    I was running late last night, so I only had time for cardio at the gym BUT, the important part (for me) is that I went. I used to just totally skip when this happened.

    Tonight I will do last nights workout--arms/shoulders and cardio.

    have a great OP day everyone!
  • I love the updates people!! Keep going and stay on the path. Don't beat yourself up when you don't, its not about perfection. 2 days into my accountability this week, I'm going good. Went swimming did laps & water walking and hated every moment. I hope there comes a time where I enjoy some exercise because its so important. No fast food either. Won't step on the scale until the weekend so we'll see. Today, I will be exercising at home. Have a good day all, hope to read more about how everyone's doing
  • Hi, mj5, thanks for the encouraging words re the scale... you were right, of course. It finally settled down at around 242. We'll see what today brings. And GOOD for you for getting in that arm/shoulder/cardio work that you missed!!! That's hard!!

    I'm doing well on my plan despite it being my busiest time of year for work... on the bright side, staying busy keeps me out of the kitchen (I work from home)!!

    I've made sure to get in my workouts, which at the moment involves at least 30 minutes a day on Wii Fit. I alternate days of yoga/strength with aerobic/balance, and that's good for now. I walk a lot daily around my property to look after animals, plus move a lot of animal food and poo (which, when you think about it, is sort of the same thing), so I feel like fitness is covered. Yesterday I had to halter up one of my llamas to remove blackberry canes from his wool -- always a bit of a rodeo!! I was more worried about getting ripped up by the blackberry cane than I was about getting kicked by the llama. Anyway, by the time I accomplished my task, I was pouring sweat -- and I was GLAD of it!!

    My goal for next spring is to be bicycling and horseback riding all over the place. I think I can.

    Best to everyone -- stick with it!!
  • TexanGal, you and I keep posting at virtually the same time and as a result, I keep missing you in my posts!! Is there anything harder than doing exercise when you hate it? You're doing great -- keep it up!! I'm sure the scale will reward you soon.

    LOVE your avatar, btw -- cutest thing I've seen in awhile.
  • I guess I haven't been good about posting. Sometimes I feel like I have nothing interesting to say, but I know that this thread is a lot more fun when everyone is posting a lot.

    So, I've been doing well with being on plan. I actually love the exercise part. I go to the gym in the mornings and it just starts out the day with something good. Wednesdays are my weight lifting day... that really isn't my favorite thing, but I know it is a good workout. (Had some good eye candy today... nice arms on that man!) Food has been on plan, but that is where I have to be extra diligent. I love to cook and love to eat! Just have to keep it in check!

    RaebeaR: I've been trying to find a time to fit in some yoga/stretching. I think it is important to stay flexible. Just haven't quite found a way yet.

    TexanGal: Keep exercising. I didn't exactly like it in the beginning, but as time goes on, I look forward to it more and more. It sounds like you are doing very well!

    MJ: Good job with going to the gym. It is so easy to just let it slip... but then it becomes a bad habit.

    Rakel: Darn scales! I'm sure you'll see a better number next time. Hang tough!

    Shout outs to everyone else:
    Nicolen, I know you're busy, hope it is going well for you.
    Beverly: How is everything going for you?
    Rhonda: Check in some time, I miss you!

    Am I missing anyone? Have a great week everyone!