My first 20 pounds gone

  • My story is similar to a lot of people's. I was always the "chunky" kid growing up. I slimmed down late in middle school and stayed around a size 6-8 in high school, but I was always picked on for being fat. Always. If it wasn't the kids at school, it was my parents "commenting" about my weight. My dad is pudgy and has no room to talk and my mom is a serial dieter, never happy with where she is.

    So after college my weight started to climb. And after my marriage, it climbed even more. I blamed it on being happily married. I am, but it's no excuse.

    So in August, after seeing pictures from our family vacation in July, I decided it was time to finally do something. I found Fitday and started tracking my calories. Then I started walking at night. Then I found 3FatChicks. This site has made all the world of difference for me. I am held accountable and cheered on. I love it here.

    So thank you everyone for helping me meet my first mini-goal. Here's to the next one!
  • Congrats
  • good job
  • Great job!
  • Thanks everyone! I am feeling better and better every day!
  • Excellent - you deserve it!! And I feel the same about 3fc, definitely!
  • Yay, that's awesome!! I can't believe you were picked on for being fat when you were a size 6-8 -- that's like a dream size for me!! Anywho, congrats!!
  • Sweet !
  • Wow! Congratulations! It feels great to meet a mini-goal!
  • Yay! Congrats! We have similar stats and it feels like yesterday I was 168 and just happy to be in the 160s. Now I'm 163 and prematurely thinking about the 150s! Keep up the awesome work!

  • WooHoo! happy dance time!

    Congrats on meeting this first goal - quite an schievement - those 20 pounds are history and your goal is that much closer - how great is that!

    Thanks for sharing - it's fun to celebrate success - keep up the good work - you'll be meeting your goal before you know it!

  • Good job!