Anyone have a box of shakes handy?

  • I've never purchases the shakes so I was wondering the difference between the shakes and the hot cocoa (which I already have) in terms of protein and carbs.

    I was thinking of trying the hot cocoa as a MQ meal so I don't have to buy the shakes, but perhaps I would be missing some important minerals or calories.
  • There's a pretty big difference in the nutritional info as it is a replacement for a full meal:

    the shakes (I use the powder version) are 250 calories, 3.5g fat, 23 cards, 3 fiber, 12 sugar, and 35 protien.

    I don't have info on the hot cocoa in front of me, but I would guess it's more in the 80 calorie range, which is not enough for a meal.
  • Thank you, kitkat.

    The hot cocoa has only 15grams of protein with 7 carbs so it would certainly lack the necessary nutrients for a meal.

    I'm just trying to work with what I have so I don't have to buy anything else for a while.
  • I exchanged a couple of HNS for some chocolate meal replacement shakes. How do you prepare them???
  • Quote: I exchanged a couple of HNS for some chocolate meal replacement shakes. How do you prepare them???
    I use 2 cups of water and a blender. I prepare it the night before so all the foam is gone. Then about 2 hours before I know I want to drink it I put it in the freezer so it gets good and cold.
  • Also, if you are having vanilla, make sure to put a little extract in it. Gives it more flavor, otherwise it's pretty tasteless.

    I prefer the chocolate.
  • I put the mix, the water and 10 (yes, i count) ice cubes into my blend and blend it up. It's YUM!! I prefer the chocolate too.
  • when I was on MQ and used the vanilla, I added 2 tsp of vanilla extract and 2 Splenda packets and it's yummy! I like both equally.
  • okay, that's it. gotta try these shakes! Getting some at weigh-in TOMORROW! Maybe it will not only be really tastey, but a nice little change of pace! thanks.
  • i add the canfield's chocolate fudge soda & ice cubes with the choco shake. YUM!!
  • Quote: i add the canfield's chocolate fudge soda & ice cubes with the choco shake. YUM!!
    Can you do that if you're on MetaQuick?