NSV! Kinda

  • Today, someone said something wonderful to me .

    When I went to workout this afternoon, a girl who works at the gym at my school said: "The other day you were wearing your hair in a low bun and when you got off the treadmill I thought, 'does the girl who comes in everyday have a sister?' Then when you turned around and smiled at me I realized it was you!"

    Oh my goodness, I was so happy when she said that! It's so good to have the people at the gym recognize me rather than the people in the Taco Bell drive thru!!
  • That's great!!
  • Awesome!
  • Cool!!
  • Love it !
  • That is great, congrats!
  • Thanks yall :]
  • I love that story! I also love your blog - I just started reading it!
  • Way to go!!!
  • Yay, you!!!!!
  • Quote: I love that story! I also love your blog - I just started reading it!
    aw thank you!!
  • That's awesome! I'm so glad it's not just me who enjoys being part of what I consider to be an elite group of people: Exercisers!! I go to my local track, and I was just thinking this morning that I always see the same characters there. These are the most consistent members of my exercise community:

    - The elderly asian folks doing tai chi
    - the middle aged hippie meditating on the park bench
    - Marathon Man - (he's running by the time I get there, and still running when I leave, he's always there.... I'm starting to doubt he's human)
    - Squat lady - instead of walking she lunges around the track.
    - The yappy ladies - 2 grandmotherly types who walk together and gab the whole way.
    - Osteoperosis lady - an elderly woman who is nearly bent down to the ground, but there she is every day doing her walks god bless her.
    - Mr. Jeans Man - an older gentleman who wears jeans and street shoes to the track everyday.
    - Off-the-track Guy - A guy who runs every morning but on the outside of the track, going the other way.
    - And of course me!
  • Wannabeskinny - that's so cute!! and it made me !
  • Wannabeskinny! That was SO funny! Loved it!!!