Operation 5-10 The Holiday Edition!

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  • Hi all, I've been MIA b/c I live on the Gulf Coast and all the sudden had to deal with this potential hurricane/tropical storm threat! Both at work & at home we were most worried about the storm surge/high tides but after moving some property around all should be ok. I refuse to let the windy and rain stop me and I've been going to work, gym, rehearsals, all with my big bag of OP food packed.

    I've lost about 3 pounds of my 5 so far, but I've really been, um, farting around here. Not eating terribly but not always in the quantities I should be. I'm buckling down to get the other 2 off before Thanksgiving! I day OP eating under my belt, and my gym goal is to get to the gym 6 days this week and do at least 20 minutes strength training 5 of those days.

    Jessica, it sounds like it was a really tough weekend food-wise, and when you've been eating sweets and off-plan things, it can be hard to get back OP! Good job with a healthy shopping trip so you can get back OP this week.

    Ward, wow, an 1100 calories spinathon! I'm impressed!

    ICU, I also love your new picture! Thanks for giving us a face to put with the name!

    Kitty, Silver, Pat, midwife, yoyo, everyone, hi and let's keep it up!
  • Megan, you can do it! Just 2 more pounds! If they're not gone by Thanksgiving then get them gone by xmas!

    Speaking of which, once our 5lb Thanksgiving challenge is done, anyone up for an additional 2lbs for New Year's, followed by 3 more for Valentine's Day? That would get me back to my red line finally and is approximately a rate of 0.5lb/week.
  • I get the day off but am heading out in a bit for a good long sweat at the gym, then 2 evening rehearsals. I had a nice relaxing morning and I prepped everything for dinner when I get home, though, I just need to grill the steak. Yummm. 2 days POP under my belt, still going.

    Jessica, I'll definitely be up for another challenge from Thanksgiving to the next set of holidays (Christmas for me)! I may be ambitious and try for 3 lbs from turkey day to tree day. I might just try to maintain the week of Christmas... will think about that then. And then, yup, will continue onto Valentine's day!

    ICU, way to ignore those voices in your head and get your workout in. Keep it up!

    Yesterday we had to give our measurements/sizes to the woman doing costumes for this play, and I know mine were a bit larger than the last time I gave them to her for a different show about two years ago, though I don't remember exactly what they were (I should probably take my own measurements more often, not just weight). Eek! Off to now!
  • Hi folks!

    I'm reporting in to take credit for meeting the Thanksgiving 5 lb challenge!!! I've actually been weighing in low enough most days for the past week or so, but I wanted to see how high I got before TOM, which I knew was due soon. Well, today it's here and I'm still at goal (exactly). I hope I will shed a little extra this week, but that hasn't been reliable lately. At any rate, I don't expect to go up!

    Unfortunately, I'm not making any progress yet on the sleep issue. I actually had to see my doctor this week and brought up the topic. I just got confirmation that there's really no medical intervention to help my issue ("sleep maintenance insomnia"). Today I started my "day" at 1 AM. Avoiding caffeine isn't helping. Well, I'm not out of strategies yet. There is some reason to think light therapy might help, but I haven't been organized enough to get on track with it. There's a few other things to try as well, but I'm going to focus on the light therapy now.

    Megan -- Congrats on the POP days!!! You go!

    Paperclippy --Big congrats on the uber willpower you exercised at the store! And great job on the compromises you made over the weekend. You did the best thing possible -- learned and adapted. Next time you will be even more prepared to do battle with the minions of the Forces of Offplan Eating (your FOEs ).

    ICU -- congrats on the swimming and the scale victory! Did you post the recipe?

    Silver -- congrats on edging down the scale -- hope you are feeling better!

    Ward -- Wow... if I could spin that much, maybe I wouldn't have sleep issues! (increasing exercise is another thing-to-try on my list.)

    Midwife -- Another (very belated) happy birthday being sent your way!!! Congrats on getting back on plan!

    Sending POP vibes to all!
  • Still begging for the recipe - sorry about the delay on that! I've got a pretty good idea of how it went together but I want to accurately report the levels of garlic, jalapenos and white pepper so that everyone will have a reference to work from. As made, it was one of those "glowing lips" chilis, but no eyebrow sweat.

    No scale progress to report. I must be swapping muscle and fat with all the swimming, though - DS10 mentioned this morning that I wasn't "as soft to hug" any more! I'd better see some movement with the measurement tape at the end of the month ...
  • yoyoma - not much advice on the sleeping issue, just lots of commiseration. My DH has this problem. He says the thing that helps more than anything else right now is to change locations. I often find him asleep on the couch, or on the foldout couch downstairs. Doesn't always work, but sometimes. He also uses a SAD light and keeps the bedroom very dark. like I said, no real advice.
  • Well done, yoyoma! Great news. Not so good on the sleep front, though. I gather 'sleep hygiene' is important: doing the same dull things at bedtime, I think. You don't watch television in bed, do you? My SO suffers from time to time. I think he thinks yoga helps.

    Megan - glad you got through the storms OK. Your life is sounding busy but STOP messing about with trying to lose pounds!! Just do it! Great to have all food packed for the day.

    Jessica - I'm in for a Christmas challenge. 3lbs, I think, like Megan. It's started to fall off this week but I think that's because I'm ill and not eating as much as usual.

    Kittcat - Did I read you were travelling a lot? That's hard.

    Pat - are you still on the PN regime?

    ICU - you are a hard woman! I laughed at 'not so soft to hug'! That exercise/increased appetite balance is hard.

    Hello to anyone I've missed. Let's go!

    Midwife? Are you there?
  • I don't like carrying bags. When I wear my lightweight anorak with my BB in the top pocket, my glasses case in the LH pocket and my wallet and two sets of keys in the RH pocket it usually tightens up, unattractively, around my bottom. NOT TODAY! Yes, not much change in wallet so I borrowed a few handfuls from DB's piggybank. SAME RESULT!

    I am thinner. Can't wait to try on the pantsometers tomorrow!

    Almost at the 5lb goal but I want to see it firmly for several days before moving the ticker.
  • Silver, great news that you're thinner! But what is a BB? Like a BB gun?

    Hmmm, 3lbs for xmas . . . I'm in if I can start the scale at my thanksgiving goal of 140, which I'm hoping to hit by next week (140.8 today). So, 137 by xmas. Trying to give myself an extra week here! Although for me it is more like I would have to reach that goal by December 22, which is when I leave for LA to visit my folks for the holidays. I'm anticipating a gain while I'm there.

    I don't know about my fellow 5-lb challengers, but I am totally pumped about finally getting back down a "decade" to the 130's! I'm so close! Although it is kind of depressing to look at my weight spreadsheet and realize that right now I'm basically where I was in November 2008. Still a lot of work to do to get back to goal. On the other hand, this is the first time that my weight has gone steadily down since long before I got diagnosed as hypothyroid.
  • BB for me is a BlackBerry phone. What's a BB gun??

    You know the LA set-up, Jessica, but (don't know how to put this) *must* you anticipate a gain when there?
  • LOL Silver, a BB gun is a gun that shoots these little pellets. Here's the wikipedia article. They used to be sold as toys in the US, but I was thinking it was pretty weird for you to be carrying one around!

    My week in LA is my holiday indulgence week. I only get to go to LA and see my folks once a year, so it's a combination of the fact that I already planned it to be an indulgence, I will be eating at a lot of restaurants (my favorites that don't exist in Indy), and my parents show their love with food. My plan is to get a lot of exercise, refuse to go out to eat for breakfast, and refuse to eat at any restaurants I could eat at in Indy (e.g. McDonald's, etc). I'll try to eat at a maintenance level but just from eating at restaurants I know I'll come back with water weight.

    Actually, speaking of holiday planning, I know we have another thread for it but what are you guys planning to do? I think it might help if I put down concrete rules for my trip, so here they are:
    1) Exercise every day.
    2) No seconds.
    3) No restaurant breakfasts if at all possible.
    4) Eat lots of veggies.
  • Where is everyone? 3FC is finally back up! How were your weekends?

    I'm up water weight today after last night's cheat meal. Ate too much. I much prefer the setup where I can choose how much to put on my plate to the setup where we pass our plates to someone who serves up the food. I would have taken much less of the pumpkin fondue if I was serving myself! OTOH I served myself extra dessert, so obviously I am the one to blame in general. In any case, it was a planned cheat meal, so I'm not worried. Hoping to hit my thanksgiving goal this week.
  • Hiiiiiii!!!!!!
    Wow, guys, I had some serious panic moments. no. joke.

    I've been having a very rough time logging on lately and started thinking this was the begining of the end of 3fc. Say it ain't so!!!!!
    eating green beans and tofu. will browse with one hand and return with complete posting....
  • Blew the POP streak. Still have time to get in 10 more days before Thanksgiving, and that is what I will do. I went to a swim meet yesterday and swam 5 events (respectable times), but when I got home I was just beyond exhausted. Did I do the sensible thing and take a nap? Nope. Apparently being tired is the same thing as two drinks - they equal a loss of food inhibition. Grrrr. Lesson learned, one more tidbit for the fattening file of "How to Hold on to the Loss". I am wiser today.
  • ICU, I totally agree about being tired (it has been wreaking havoc on my evenings ever since I gave up PM caffeine) -- and you are absolutely right that when we slip but learn from the mistake we may have lost a battle but we are better prepared to win the war!

    Kitty -- like you (and many 3FCers), I was very concerned about the outages. In fact they started as I was trying to read the thread about the buyout, so of course I assumed there was a connection! Turned out to be just an amazing coincidence.

    Paperclippy -- I have been fretting about Xmas week for months, lol! I have to camp out with the in-laws as usual. None of my usual support foods, issues with exercising, etc. Last year I gained way too much and I need to turn that fretting into a constructive plan!

    Silver -- big congrats on the scale NSV!!! If only my waist weight would migrate elsewhere I might not mind the scale where it is. Congrats on the Pants-o-Meter reading!

    Pat -- it's the oddest thing, but once in a while when I wake up, I really want to sleep on the floor. When that's the case, I do that. That has sometimes happened to me ever since I was a kid. At this point we have radiant heating, so it makes sleeping on the floor even nicer!

    News on my front -- I saw my primary for shoulder problems I've had for months. Initially, there was a lot of pain but although that mostly cleared up, I got frightened cuz my mobility suddenly dramatically decreased. Turns out it's a "frozen shoulder" and pretty common as part of the healing process. Will be going for xrays and to see the ortho to make sure there isn't a tear or something (rotator cuff). I the meantime, I'm scheduled for PT 2xweek and exercises at home. It should resolve by itself in 1-3 years but PT will speed it up.

    Early results on the light therapy are very encouraging!!! At first I just kept forgetting to do it/time it properly, but now my happy light is on a timer. I don't have a lot of data points yet, but I've had one of the best nights of sleep that I can remember!!!

    I'm getting on board with the Xmas goal -- hoping to reach my goal weight!!! I will change my ticker after Thanksgiving... I just want to bask in the goal met glow until then, lol!

    Hope all are doing well!!!