Back in Kindergarten #84

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  • it a roller coaster ride around here. Mom got the good report on Friday, started feeling bad Sat. and was really sick Sunday. She felt ok Mon. but we canceled her heart Dr. appt. so she could rest and make sure she was over "it." Today she went to the kidney Dr. who promptly told her she had a kidney infection again. He said it could have been what made her sick or she could have just had a bug..again. Anyway, she started on antibiotics right off. Hope that is the end of that!!

    Gloomy day here and I have housework to do, so I am double gloomy. ha.. Have all my laundry and ironing done for the week, got dusting and bathrooms done, so just have to sweep and wipe down the woodwork. THEN...clean the kitchen from top to bottom. We are thinking of having a gas line run to the kitchen and changing from an electric range. This electric one I bought when we built the house has never been right...had them back out here 4 times and had a new top and new oven element in the first year. Guess I just got the lemon. I have had electric since 1978, but had gas before that and think I want to try it again....we will see. Was totally DH's it is his project. LOL

    I know everyone is going to have a busy week...and hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
  • Today is my mom's birthday She would've been 56.

    As for my bad news..I'm feeling a little better physically..but mentally, I'm not. Then today, just adds more stress. My doc said I need to de-stress myself. But how can you do that? At least I'm off bedrest. So I've been cleaning all day, getting ready for Thanksgiving. We bought a turkey the other day..and it turns out, that we get one for free. So we're just gonna save it for Christmas. Our 5th anniversary is next friday. So that's somewhat uplifting. We're going to get tattoos. Not matching ones of course. I'm gonna get white inked hearts on my chest (not boobies, ). I'm very excited!! It's been a year since my last tattoo.

    Anyways..thats it for me for now.
  • just thought I would pop in to see how every one is doing........

    nothing really new on this end........just putzing around online.....the kids are all sleeping, Tommy has lodge and I am going to look into some more houses.

    I have my annual gyn appointment tomorrow, and other than that, not sure what else we are going to do.

    Sue~ I hope your mom is starting to feel better!

    Francie~ I am not sure what happened, but I am hoping that every thing is all well. Have fun for Thanksgiving!
  • Hey Ladies.

    I hope you all are doing well. ME? eh. lol. My back is hurting still. Not sure if I told you all about it or not. Its my upper back and not my lower, where my spinal injury is. Went to our family dr and he gave me some meds, but they aren't helping the pain. Help me sleep for a few hours, that is about it. So I am thinking I have to go back and see a specialist again.

    Also I am over a month late on AF. I have an HPT (Home Pregnancy Test) at home, guess I should take it and see. I have been feeling very tired and nauseous. The nausea could be from my back hurting. I know sometimes that happens when I am in a lot of pain. So who knows could just be the weather and all too.

    Anywho, I hope you all have a Happy Thanksgiving!!!

    Big to everybody!!
  • Good Morning!

    Thought I would get on the computer before Lily gets here...seems I never have much time to do anything with her, lol....but I am not complaining! She is such a joy to have around and no one can get enough of her! Of course it is killing my exercise, or should I say, lack of. But...the hubby got the stroller put together last night so walking here I come, well, after Thanksgiving I think. Just been so busy and then today and tomorrow will be worse...Friday will be a day of rest.

    SASSY...sorry to hear about your back, hope you get some relief soon. I think back pain is the worst! Fingers crossed for a positive result!

    FRANCIE...hugs to you! And whatever happened, I am glad you are better. Funny the doc said you need to it is easy! We need one of those easy buttons! Oh, if only life were that easy eh? Tattoo sounds like a GREAT Anniversary present!

    SUSAN...hopefully R will test negative and get the job...good that they are giving her another chance. Yay to 152!

    SUE...hugs to your mom. Hoping she is feeling better and you all can enjoy your Thanksgiving. Sounds like you have been one busy lady!

    MINDEE...glad you are feeling better.

    HIYA JULES, KATY, KATHY and anyone/everyone reading this. Hoping all is well with you ladies.

    Going to be a busy day today. Will have the little one today but will have a 4 day break...hoping to get things done around here! Going to do a lot of Thanksgiving prep and baking...may be a long day/night. Will try to fit in a walk for sure...other than that, that's all I have.

    A very HAPPY THANKSGIVING to you and yours!

  • Wow! So much going on over here..I've been plugging away at school, and, well, the rest of life. My son turned 13 yesterday, and we are going to a Blazer game tonight. I'm getting ready to assault the grocery store when it opens at 7 am, then hope to clean house, get a massage, get a run in, and cook up a bunch of food. I weighed 170 for a few days this week, so I will think positively and change the ticker. 'Course I had birthday cake last night...but I just won't think about that right now.

    You have all been busy, too! Too much to catch up on right now, but hopefully I will get some spare time over the long weekend to catch up. I hope you are all well and wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving!
  • I agree with Katy...will be back later when I can read more of the postings and respond...

    I have the day off and it's a good last minute needed items at the store ( I THINK I have it all...) baking pies and cornbread muffins later, cleaning and putting out a few decorations. I am nervous and excited my Dad is coming, Mom has good days and bad days...hoping she will be able to come. The kids of course will be here...I have batteries for the camera. My brother is on his yearly hunting trip so won't come.

    Hubby used his credit card reward points and got me a Paula Dean cookware set--it already arrivced and is beautiful!!! Can't wait to use it.

    Probably won't get much chance to hop back on the computer til late tomorrow....Hope everyone has a wonderful day!!
  • just thought I would stop in here really quickly.....I have my doctor's appointment here shortly and I want to go take a quick bath before going......

    I am going to try and make it back on here after my appointment, but if I don't, I want to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving!!!
  • Happy Thanksgiving to all our BIK's!! A group of wonderful ladies.

    I am off to the store for some last minute things. Taking Gab to see Planet 51 and Mr Fox over the hoilday weekend, plus work all of the days. Ugh. HOPE to get to PDX next weekend, need to see my other babies.

    k- Hope you have a safe and blessed Thanksgiving!
  • just thought that I would pop in here quickly to see how every one is doing.....

    3fc was not letting me in the other day, but I believe that I am not the only one that was getting that message!
  • Hi Everybody!

    Finally got in! LOL. I guess everybody overwhelmed it yesterday!! LOL!

    I got good news, most of you already know, but just sharing here too:

    Yesterday morning after work, my friend and I went shopping and she "encouraged me very strongly" to try on this pair of jeans that was 2 sizes smaller than I normally wear. I didn't want too because I was like, "There is no way I am gonna fit into those things!" But she is pretty persistent, so I went ahead and went to the fitting room and tried them on. So I put in one leg and think, "Hmmmm so far so good. Now the BIG test, getting them over the BEHIND." lol. And low and behold they fit!!!!!!!

    And they were not tight at all, infact I probably could go down to the next size at least, maybe even the next 2 sizes down. But I HATE tight clothes so I bought those that way there is shrinkage room too. But I was SO STOKED!!! I wore them yesterday and will be posting pics soon on myspace and facebook.

    Oh and also my back is feeling better. It was killing me then I took a Vicodin, woke up at midnight hurting, took another one and now I feel great. Also took the HPT and it was negative. I go to see my dr on Dec. 3rd, so she will probably do a blood test to be sure. But I will get a list of fertility drs from her and hopefully I will be preggo soon!

    Anyways, BIG HUGS EVERYBODY!!!

  • just thought I would stop in to see how every one is doing......

    The kids letters to Santa are in the enveloped, addressed, and ready to be mailed. I am in the process of writing letters to the people that we will more than likely end up working with one of them in regards to the boys' schooling. So, since we are thinking of moving into their county, we are sending a letter to them all to get a grasp on the schooling before we move.
  • Hey just thought I'd pop in say hi and let ya know some more good news.

    DH & I went back to the store my friend & I shopped at on Thanksgiving Day, since the jeans I had bought there are so huge on me, I decided to try the next 2 sizes down, just to see.

    Well the 1st size down -- fit, but still way too long (I'm short lol) and the 2nd size down after that ALMOST fit!!! WHOO-HOO! So that means I am 3 sizes down and close to being 4 sizes down!!!

    Only weird thing is I also tried a different brand, same size, only they were low-rise jeans??? Does that mean they are those kind that are supposed to go to your hips? I dunno but they would not fit. lol. So I am hoping that is why. I know different brands of jeans fit differently so not sure.

    I ended up not getting anymore jeans, cuz I am curious to see how the jeans that I already bought fit after I wash them a few times!!

    Well have a Good Day! We're putting up our Christmas Tree tonight!

  • Hi everyone!!! Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving. I dunno about you..but I'm kinda tired of turkey already, lol.

    Sassy..low rise jeans do go to your hips. Thats are the only kind I wear, lol. But thats so awesome about being 3 sizes down!! W2G!! What store did you go to?? You should try The Gap, Old Navy, and American Eagle. They have pretty nice jeans at those stores.

    I wanna put up the tree..but Fonzo doesnt want to!!! He wants to buy a new tree instead..but I'm dying to decorate. He's being a grinch, lol.
  • just thought I would pop in to see how every one is doing......I am addicted to playing Cafe World on Facebook.....and so is Tommy! We are so competitive with each other, that we butt heads on it all the time!!!!

    Now, I am trying to figure out what we need to buy when we go grocery shopping.....and dinner ideas!!! we are stuck in a rut of eating the same things over and over again, so I need to do some searching online again!

    Shell~ That is so great!!!!! I need to buy new jeans, well new clothes, but I refuse to buy them until I am at my goal mark of hitting 200 pounds! Tommy keeps telling me that I need newer clothes because they are too sagging in the butt area and such.