What is the longest period you have went without weighing in?

  • I know its very hard for me to not weigh in and the longest Ive gone was probably a week lol. I think I am going to try to go a whole entire month without weighing in. I know sometimes weighing in keeps me on point but there are other times when It just upsets me.
  • Probably 2 weeks, but I don't let my weight affect my mood anymore- if the scale is up I usually know/understand why. I weigh in almost daily to keep accountable BUT only monday is my official number.
  • 6 months
  • 2 months

    i knew it would upset me and i wanted a good running start to losing a few pounds. i just couldnt' bare to see a scale that had gone up when i was trying so damn hard to lose.
  • 3 years
  • Since I started, probably about a month. And that was because I knew I'd been eating badly and not working out, so I was too scared, ha! Before I started, I'd gone years without weighing...

    Now I weigh just whenever I get the urge, but Fridays are my "official" weigh ins
  • I went a really long time weighing myself before I started losing. I went from 240 something to 277. After a panic attack and near heart failure I started my journey. Now I weigh myself every couple of days. My goal is to make it the whole week, until my official weigh in day, to check it. I like the surprise...well I do right now while Im losing but Im addicted.
  • Well before I started losing I went periods without weighing in but I actually mean while you're losing lol I know its harder to not weigh in while your losing
  • Since my journey began, 3 days. Prior to that, I didn't get on for years! I had to get weighed for insurance reasons and I told the visiting nurse not to tell me the number. I skipped going to my doctor for 4 years + because I didn't want to get on the scale. Stupid, I know.

    I think it's important that you have regular weigh ins--whether that is once a day, once a week or whatever, is up to you.
  • Since I started again, I've not gone a day without weigh myself. Of course, that was only about a week ago. But I don't think it'll change much, provided that I'm not out of town or something where I can't get to a scale. Stepping on that scale every morning is an accountability factor for me. Without it, things might start to slip and I don't want that to happen.
  • Oh goodness, months and months and months. It's never a good sign when I start avoiding the scale. It's the ultimate "ostrich with it's head in the sand" move on my part to not weigh daily. Some people can go longer and do just fine. I guess I take it as a reason to eat.
  • Quote: I weigh in almost daily to keep accountable BUT only monday is my official number.
  • I weigh my self in the morning but only use Sunday morning's weigh in as the official. I attempted to lose weight last May, and I lost about 10 pounds, but as soon as I stopped weighing myself regularly, I found myself avoiding the scale, knowing that I was cheating myself.
  • 8 hours.

    It used to be 24 (every morning), but now I'm panicking because I've been steadily gaining 3 lbs over the last 4-5 days. Some of that is from exercise, but I'm still panicking. So now I check the night before and then at my usual time when I get up. I don't think it's obsessive, nope not at all.
  • Quote: 8 hours.

    It used to be 24 (every morning), but now I'm panicking because I've been steadily gaining 3 lbs over the last 4-5 days. Some of that is from exercise, but I'm still panicking. So now I check the night before and then at my usual time when I get up. I don't think it's obsessive, nope not at all.

    This is why I think I am going to try and stay away from it for about one month. I want to give my body a chance to work and see what happens. Ive been staying op and eating my allowed calories but I also workout and do strenght training and I dont want those daily fluctuations to play with my mind(trust me they always to with me)There use to be times when weighing in often helped me but at time has went on Im noticing that it is not