300+ Weekly Thread #1232

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  • today was not such a good day. I had a hard time with my first bowel movement! OMG!!! so I called surgeon office, they told me to take a laxative. But I swear I was giving birth. I was also told that percosets constipate you...wonderful. I did go all day with out any pain meds..but just took some so I can sleep.

    I was told by my friend who had hers out that it takes a few days for your body to learn ro live without it. lets hope she is right!

    Tomorrow I am going to try and sew some...TV is boring during the day. ;(
  • Day 10 of the 30 Day Shred is finished! Woo! 1/3 of the way there! And I even got my Mom in on it, and I didn't even need the DVD as I have the routine memorized. Heh.

    I had my 2nd interview today, and had to take a pre-employment test (math, spelling, reading, all that stuff), and I passed, so I have the final interview tomorrow evening, and then I'll know if I got the part time job. A lot of work just to work at a video store. Sheesh!

    Thank you girls for all the sweet comments. It really means a lot to me. Right now, I'm only in school, and I only go two days a week, so I have a lot more free time for exercising than someone working full time, so I'm taking advantage of it. Because once I start my Internship, plus the part time job, I'll be working 60-65 hours a week, most likely, on top of school. So I'll definitely be setting my goal a little lower, and.

    And thanks for the sweet comments about my avatar, too. Really made my day. I had just gotten a hair cut, and I figured I hadn't updated my picture in a while, so why not?

    Jacquie - Yeah, shopping is just a pain for me. I dread it, actually. I can't wait until I actually LIKE clothes shopping. One of many things to look forward to....
    And AWESOME about the hips! Seriously, that's just great!

    MagicWhispers - Hello & WELCOME to the forum! I hope to get to know you better, and help support you on this journey. What kind of eating plan are you following?
    I've been doing the 30 Day Shred for a few weeks now (currently trying to challenge myself to do it 30 days in a row, to see what kind of results I can get), and just take it slow! The first time I did the workout, I could only get 15 minutes in to level one. The next day I got through it, but just barely, and now, it's still a VERY tough workout, but your stamina will just go up even after a few times through! And I'm still on level one, and have no intentions of moving to level 2 of the workout for at least another 20 lbs! Hehe. Let me know how you like it!

    Heather hb - The longer you stick to your eating plan, the easier it will become to be able to make those good choices while away from your home/comfort zone. What I do, if I know I'll be somewhere where I have no control over meals for a few days is to pack some things to take with me, or to purchase some things once I get there, to keep in the house. There are these great salad kits. I think the one I usually get is by Dole, and it's 'Caesar Light'. Has the romaine lettuce, croutons, and dressing all in one package, and you can just make your salads from that. (The dressing is packaged separately so you can control the amount). But they are just great! And Walmart has these great little snack things in their produce department for $1...you can get carrot sticks & ranch or apple slices with low fat caramel dip. Super yummy, and still on plan. So it IS possible...it can be hard, but you can do it! And don't be too hard on yourself about falling off for a couple of days. It happens to all of us at one point or another. The key is that you're back on track today. Your resistance will become stronger, and next time, you'll be able to avoid the temptation of pizza!

    Pink - Yikes! We're supposed to get snow very soon, and I'm very much dreading it. Keep it up there in Montreal for a little longer!
    I haven't had TOM for over 8 months now, and I still get bloated out of the blue, and retain water randomly. Sodium will do that to you as well, if you consume too much of it. Good luck at your weigh in, and even if it isn't the best number, that's okay! Because you are changing your life, and doing a fantastic job!

    Cyn - Hope tomorrow is MUCH better for you. *hugs*
  • Does anyone else struggle with anxiety?

    I am diagnosed with OCD, and sometimes my obsessions get so bad they turn into full-blown anxiety attacks. I have always used food to numb myself and bring down my anxiety. It's bad tonight, and I can't seem to sleep. It's 4 am and I keep obsessing about things. I feel lonely and alone, and it makes me panic. How do you fill yourself up when you feel empty, without food? Does anyone else feel isolated and misunderstood and disliked because of their weight? Sorry this sounds so emo, just really having a struggle tonight.
  • kayleystar - I used to dread clothes shopping as well. I remember when I could only order online and you know you don't have that much variety. I hate most of the clothes I would wear as they had no style, nothing like what I like. Now I can get things that I do like, but not 100% there yet if that makes sense. I mean I have a certain style and in some ways I"m also finding my style too, but I have more options. I'm also not afraid to try things on now, in fact I have to as that is the only way to get a proper fit. lol. I can only order a few things online now... I enjoy it now, except for the pricing of items. I find certain stores are so expensive. I mean I can't honestly bring myself to spend $40 bucks on a teeshirt. Not gonna happen lol.

    Pink - I have a different set of issues than you do. My issues stem from years of abuse from my parents, aside from my Mother who passed away when I was a teenager. When I was finally able to get away from that physically, I didn't realize at the time that I was actually still "there" emotionally. I started to pack on the weight and I know know why I did it, I basically created a giant wall of fat to HIDE myself, my true self. I emotionally and binge eat too, so being as big as I was, yes I totally felt misunderstood, disliked, and more so because of my physical appearance. I still do sometimes, though not as often I as I used to. Part of my healing process is literally working on my issues, really working on them and thus that means I am shedding my fat wall little by little. I really believe that for most of us that our weight is the result of something else, other than just eating bad foods. We have our core issues, no matter what or how they came about. Do I feel alone? Yes, I do actually at times. Do I feel sorry for myself sometimes? Yes. Do I feel anxious? Yes... I'm often plagued by nightmares, old memories haunting me, and the thing is as I work on myself physically and emotionally things ARE getting better. When I do feel empty or scared or lonely, I talk about it with you all or I talk about it with people who are close to me. I also feel restless at times and have a hard time "staying still." In those moments when I can't sleep or whatever I often go and watch a movie on my computer, you know the drag yourself out of bed thing, and calm down a bit. Usually I get that way if something is troubling me or if I've had a bad nightmare. Movies and entertaining myself calm me down a bit. I even watch horror movies or just do something to take my mind off of things. Now that helps me, that may not help you because your situation is different. The way I cope and deal with things may not be for everyone, I avoid therapy (bad experiences with that) and work on my issues in my own way. However, therapy, if you choose, could benefit you if you feel you need something more to help guide you. I think when we all get on our journeys we start seeing that the real work happens inside of us. We all have our core issues, some are conditions we carry around, others have been abused or had something happen to them. Learning how to really see ourselves and cope and grow is, to me, what this journey is all about. Plus being able to do things and see the weight come off and SEE ME! The real ME is exciting and terrifying, but wonderful. I hope you are feeling some of that excitement too as you shed your weight. You're doing great! *HUGS*

    Well...lol..my boyfriend poked fun at me last night. I said how I've been trying to get this exercising thing and he was like "uh huh" and I went "look I've been going at it for awhile now....for three days in a row!" and he just lost it laughing lol. I have to admit I was cracking up myself and I went "no no, I mean to say, I did exercise last week and I was like active" and he just said I should get an award for THREE DAYS of exercise! lol.

    Okay okay, so I have issues with the exercising lol. Clearly...but I am determined to do it EVERY DAY no matter how friggin' sore I am and I am sore lol. I'm not gonna wear my wrist weights on my walk today, my upper body is really getting a workout lol. My goal this week is to just do it every day and then next week for six days and for longer. I figure an hour a day will benefit me as I don't have the time to really do more anyhow.

    I need to get to the health food store today. I have to get some more turmeric pills. I'm seeing that they are working...even my scalp is better. I take 2000mgs a day and I believe it is working for my HS and I hear people take it for other autoimmune diseases. I do feel better and have noticed the flare ups are a bit better. I'll continue to see if it is working. I'm also thinking of adding more garlic to my diet as that is a natural antibiotic. Something for me to think about.

    Foodwise, I'm doing okay. Had severe cravings last night for mini-cupcakes (i think i mentioned them yesterday too) and got so fed up with it that I walked into my kitchen, grabbed my raw honey and had some. WOW did that help. So naturally sugary that I was satisfied and I didn't eat much. I had like a teaspoon. I'm going to do that again when I get a sugar craving. I read about a raw foodist who did that when she wanted something sweet and it does the trick!

    Hope everyone is well!
  • Kayleystar- OMG.. kudo's to you for being able to do that hateful, vengefilled dvd lol... hmmm i did 10 mins and felt like someone had just beat the heck out of me... im sure my stamina will go up but man...

    not raining today, so i get to go for my walk.. much easier than that dvd from hades i bought lol.... think ill try to do it every Other day... that way i will have a few days a week im not bedridden at least lol.
    only managed to eat 1300 cals yesterday.. will try to do better today and get my 1700 in.. just wasnt too hungry yesterday. hope everyone is havin GREAT day..
  • morning all...

    today I finally got to take a shower yeah!!! The stitches look good..I had to take the dressings off. I soo could not be a nurse lol.

    Todays goal..have a bowelmovement without pain!
  • Azcyn- grats on being able to take a shower today... i know for me it makes me feel like a whole new woman when i havnt been able to take one in a bit... ill be crossing my fingers for you to have a 'painless BM...

    Just got back from my walk.. it was only 20 mins but i walked at a pretty good clip. im going to go for two more 20 min walks today .. cant do too long at one time cause im soooooo out of shape.. but i'll get there.

    an old friend of mine from when i was 17( eons ago lol) found me and contacted me on facebook last night... what a trip.. talk about a blast from the past.. i love the internet.. it makes so many things possible that really werent before

    hope everyone is doing well
  • Replies after my nap, but just wanted to say, I am down 4 more lbs! In a week! Should I trust that number?
  • OOOOh PF Well done!!!!xxxx
    Kayley, liked the hair pink but LOVE it black, it suits you more than your natural colour!!!! Brings out your eyes.xxxxxxx
    Cyn, hope the 'toilet stuff' goes ok, lol!!!xxxx
    Lost 1 1/2lbs even though I EXPECTED a gain, all that stress must have caused a loss!!!lol Well I'm TOTALLY OP now & as son as TOM goes I'll be exercising again, I KNOW I feel better for it, it's just getting up & starting it....
    Anie I can't stop thinking of you!xxxxxxx I hope you don't mind I emailed Ammi to let her know, I think she's as shocked as we all are. HUGSXXXXXXXX
  • Good afternoon ladies...i did my xtreme fit workout today for the first time ( my husband got it for me for sweetest day) it is a mat that you plug into your tv and it gives you all kinds of aerobic exercise, muscle building exercises, yoga plus it has a dance mat too and i love it i worked out for 1 hr 15 mins today and it was one of the best workouts that i have done in awhile and my eating is totally on track today and i have been drinking tons of water cause i have drank hardly any water the last 2 days while company was here i was drinking diet pepsi instead ( bad me ) so today so far i have had about 20 glasses of water and yesterday i was feeling really bad and felt like i was getting my cold back but today i woke up and thought for sure i was getting sick again because i was all stuffed up but as soon as i started drinking water and exercising i feel 100% better so i just had to tell you guys that.

    I dont feel better about what the scale said today it said that i was up 2.5 lbs but i think some of that is from all the chips and crap i ate tuesday night so i am hoping to at least be the same tomorrow but i definately wont lose any weight this week..it would be a miracle!

    well, be back later
  • Evening ladies...had a good day. A bit crampy, you know first day of the ol' TOM and the cramps hit me hard, but I did go out and walk in the pouring rain for an hour. Decided not to use the "excuse book" and went for it. I really couldn't handle cardio today, so I had to do something and since it still is raining I wouldn't have been able to just wait until it let up. So, I bundled up, got my umbrella, and went for it. It wasn't so bad and I ended up doing an hour long walk, which I usually do like 40 minutes tops. So, it was a good walk...my hip is actually better. I think walking helps it..it gets stiff after awhile, so I couldn't have gone more than an hour.

    Went out to get a few things this evening...ended up having a lot of carbs today, so I need to continue to balance out my meals. Tomorrow is a cardio day...woo ...I'm really sore lol.

    Hope everyone is well *HUGS*
  • ***** Vent alert*******

    I know i usually say good morning ladies but it is truly not a good morning for me today...first off, i feel like im getting my cold back again grrrr and secondly, the scale says i am up 4 lbs how is that possible i drank like 25 glasses of water yesterday and only ate like 1500 calories and tuesday and wednesday i didnt eat that bad ok it was pretty bad but we went for a walk at the cider mill that was like 5 miles long cause i wore my pedometer that day.. so what is going on...yesterday it said i was 2.5 lbs up which i thought wasnt bad but then how could it say i gained another 2 lbs overnight? When you eat alot of bad things like pizza, chips and things that have alot of sodium how long does the water retention stay in your body? i understand the 2.5 lbs but not only did i exercise yesterday i also drank ALOT of water and my diet was on track i ate great yesterday and then this morning it said that i was up another 2 lbs on top of the 2.5 lbs it said yesterday so i dont know im like really depressed right now and this weekend im going out of town and have to try to keep my eating in check on sunday when we go to a party where there will be snacks and cakes and stuff..grrr!

    im not changing my tracker because that would really depress me even more plus i didnt make my mini-goal this week of being 40 lbs down so im like really not having a good day today!

  • HeatherB - I don't know if this will help, but remember your weight is a range of fluctuations and not an exact weight meaning your body is going to do what it does and that will show up in the scale numbers for awhile. For me it could be a few days to a week before my weight levels off. You also say you might be getting your cold back, which can = water retention as well. Don't jump to the conclusion of weight gain just yet. I would give yourself some time and just focus on eating well for you and doing what you have to do. If you focus on the bad or negative things, then you'll be negative.

    We all have these little bumps too, I mean right now my weight is up and I have eaten some things that are higher in fats that I should have and I am on the TOM. That will reflect in my scale numbers, but I know I'm in a range right now and I'm content, not happy, but content with that for the time being. I've been exercising all week so that alone will cause my numbers to be higher as I'm retaining more water than I usually do. I'm sore lol. Just give yourself some time to level off a bit. *HUGS* You still are doing great!

    A bit cranky this morning...just sore lol. My body is tired and I'm planning on doing exercise blah blah today. I think I'm just hormonal. I need some "me" time today and I need to just relax a bit today I think.

    Trying to get my kitty's upcoming Ultrasound and blah blah approved with her insurance. *sighs* Just hope it works out otherwise we can't really afford it, but I'm sure we'll find a way.

    I hope everyone is well... *HUGS*
  • Thank you Jacquie that really made me feel better plus i think i know why my weight is up because i just got my TOM this morning and i wasnt expecting it cause usually the week before i can tell i am bloated but i didnt feel that way last week and my periods are always iratic and they have been that way for awhile and i talked to my doctor about that and she said not to worry sometimes women that are heavier have irregular periods but anyway i think that is where the other 2 lbs came from but thank you so much cause what you said makes alot of sense too and you are right i am probably retaining some water because of my cold but i made a promise to myself to stick to my eating plan this weekend while i am out of town and not give in to temptations.

    thanks again jacquie
  • Hey ladies! Sorry I wasn't around yesterday. I had a really bad morning, and just had a mental breakdown. Luckily, my boyfriend was able to talk me down from the depression, but I just wasn't the most positive mood last night. Heh.

    Got day 11 & 12 of the 30 Day Shred finished. I am SO sore today, it's ridiculous. And I can feel that I'm retaining water due to it. So we'll see what my weight is for tomorrow. Hoping to make my first goal.

    I haven't gotten in the minutes that I wanted to the last couple of days. I've been so sore, it's been a challenge to get in my 30 Day Shred dvd. So I've only gotten 30 mins both yesterday and today. But tomorrow, I plan to go hiking or walking for a couple of hours, and of course, the Shred, so I can make up some of those minutes.

    I went through some of my clothes last night, and some more shirts fit again!

    Went for my final interview for the part time job today. They'll let me know Monday if I got it. And I got another lead for an Internship, working for the Trial Court, so I'm really hoping that everything goes well, and I can get it!

    MagicWhispers - It all takes time! At least you got the first 10 mins in. Any luck with it today?

    Cyn - How are you feeling today?

    Sharon - Thanks so much. I miss my fun hair, though.

    Heather - Jacquie nailed it! We all have good and bad weeks. Just all a part of the process, so don't let it get you down. Good luck making smart choices this weekend while you're away.