Best/Worst Compliment You've Gotten?

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  • About a month or so ago I was watching my siblings several days in a row as my mother was moving into a new house. The rest of the family was there to help with things around the house as well, and at one point I had some time alone with my Grandpa (who I don't see a lot anymore). He had lost a significant amount of weight after being diagnosed with Diabetes, and looks quite fit now. We almost bumped into each other and he stopped to say that I was looking very good, and inquired how much weight I'd lost. It really meant something to me that he noticed and mentioned it, as he's a very honest blunt man; he doesn't go out of his way to compliment someone unless they deserve it. That was one of the best compliments, and most meaningful I've received.

    The worst compliment came that same day from my Grandmother (who is separated from my Grandpa). She instructed me to go make both of my sister's and my mother's beds so that they'd already be ready for them that night. I got a little dizzy from doing so, which I knew was attributed to the car accident I had recently been in, and decided to take a break. Well, my Grandmother got a little snippity when she saw I hadn't finished making the beds, and I had to stop her and explain I wasn't feeling well. As soon as I said that she stated that maybe I should eat something then, as I was probably nutritionally deprived from my Vegan diet. I informed her I ate quite well, and was in fact still overweight. She refused to believed I was overweight, and when questioned how much I weighed implied that I was lying. She said I looked all of about 120lbs (which was laughable). I was flattered and offended all at the same time.

    Does anyone else have any bests/worst compliments?
  • WOW~grandma~Yeah flattering and annoying I agree!
    Grandpa~Men are usually so much more honest!

    Some of my worst~ALL FROM MY MOTHER

    When I got a size 14 she said she would like to know what store I was shopping at ~Meaning there was no way in heck I could squeeze my big butt into a 14. I had to show her my size tags !!! LOL

    Now that I am in a size 9 She says I was never really very big to begin with~LOL ~Meaning I shouldn't be proud of myself because Even though I have lost 84 pounds it sure doesn't look like it~LOL

    I take them as bad yet good compliments though~because the only time she says bad stuff to me is when I am doing great with my life. SO I AM PROUD OF MYSELF.

    Best compliments.........When My hubby started calling me skinny minnie~just a few months in on weight loss about 20 lbs of loss Or so~Really helped to motivate me and made me feel pretty~He's a great guy.

    And My brother~Over the phone I told him how much weight I had lost and He said My God Sis You have lost a person more or less.....He works all the time and I never get to see him~So When I reach goal I am gonna make a special day to do so!!!
  • My MOM...!!!

    She hasn't seen since 50 pounds ago.

    She wants to know if I can shop in REGULAR STORES now...

    My mom hates the word PLUS SIZE so much that she calls them "your size..."

    She's always making a big deal about how astonishing it is that some "normal" places carry clothes in "your size..."

    She's asked me about a million times, "what size do you wear now... you must wear MUCH smaller clothes..." to which I answer, no, I'm still pretty much wearing the same size...

    I'm proud that I'm a 2X now, not a 3X, but I'm dreading when she visits because she is DYING to take me shopping. UGH.

    Regarding the best compliment: a co-worker mentioned that my face was getting really slim.
  • the worst was when i was talking to an elderly man in the supermarket, he needed help reaching a few things. we chatted for a while, and then as i was saying goodbye he told me "you're a lovely girl, its a pity you let yourself get so fat. take care of yourself!"

    the best was when i was at a coffee morning with my friend. she took me aside and said "i hope you arent offended, but your pants are way too big for you! lets go shopping later." i was so used to being invisable because of my weight i didnt notice how loose my jeans were. the bum of them were down by my knees! i loved it!!!!
  • My mum is the best at giving backhanded compliments. We are unfortunately not close and she finds it very difficult to show emotion and compliment people. She has been trying hard lately and is encouraging me with my weight loss and exercise.
    Her compliment to me last week "hmmmm, your bum is definitely not as big as it was"....
  • The worst was from my mom she told me "If you didn't have such big hips you would be skinny"
    The best was probably when my little nephew called me the "skinny hot sister" (Which was a lot because not to long ago he told me I was fat. Kids haha)
  • i think moms and kids are the best at those compliments that sting a little bit

    my mom: "wow you've lost so much weight!! so how much more do you need to lose?"

    my son: "you should stop dieting, you're not really that fat anymore"
  • The worst ones are when I hear something like "wow! you look 1/2 the size you used to be!" Sure, they mean well but it just reminds me that I was nearly double the size I am now.

    The best one just happened yesterday when a cute Japanese guy I met told me I looked skinny. He lives in Tokyo so he sees actual skinny girls all the time so that one felt good.
  • For me the best and the worst compliment is the same one..."wow, you have lost so much weight"

    On one side that must mean that I was really huge and on the other I have lost and people are noticing!
  • Best compliment? When people don't even recognize me... and then when they do? FREAK OUT and screech "omg you are SO FREAKING GORGEOUS." That really does work for me

    Worst compliment? "That's a whole person! You lost a me!!!" my mom... does... this... all... the ... time. And it drives me nuts.
  • 1. you have such a pretty face..... if only you would lose weight.....
    2. I love Big BUTT'S!!
    3. and my favorite after finally reaching my goal weight this is what I heard from the same people that were telling me I needed to lose weight. don't you think youve lost enoughthen I gained it all back and then a few extra for good measure. but I have learned that it doesn't matter what others say. it's how I feel about me that matters.... I will never let anyone bring me down again.they can kiss my lovely BIG BUTT...............
  • Best compliment: when my daughter's nine-year-old friend called me skinny behind my back ("Gosh your mom is skinny!"). That one feels so good I refuse to think of the bad ones!
  • worst one i cant even get mad about lol.. an old man with alzheimers that lives in my complex one day said to me.... poor chicky chicky.. too hard to walk, and too fat to fly ...rotflmao.. why he said it i dont know.. poor guy.
  • Quote: worst one i cant even get mad about lol.. an old man with alzheimers that lives in my complex one day said to me.... poor chicky chicky.. too hard to walk, and too fat to fly ...rotflmao.. why he said it i dont know.. poor guy.
  • Magic, maybe your neighbor is stuck in a Morris Day and the Time timewarp!

    Worst - not the words but the tone of voice, from my sister - "where's the rest of you???"

    Best - again, from my sister, who has always been far, far, far prettier than me: "I wish I looked half as good as you. I think you're smaller than we were in seventh grade!" (I am, soon to be smaller than sixth grade then on to fifth grade.) BTW I'm 40.