outlook on life changing

  • I have worked really hard to lose almost 75 pounds. I have changed so much it is crazy. I look in the mirror and don't recognize myself some days. Here's the kicker. I always thought losing weight would improve my life and make me a happier person. Well it has in some ways. Everyone notices and I get compliments all the time. That part is nice, yes. Even men. I kind of thought that would never happen again. But it has. I feel better and all that.

    What has happened is that my personal life has come under real scrutiny. The "relationship" I'm in is just not fulfilling anymore and i don't know what to do about it. I think I am "marketable" again, but scared to death. I am 49 years old and relationship hunting seems like a daunting process. I know the weight loss is only a trigger, but it is certainly making my life confusing.

    I am questioning everything in my world and wondering "Where do I go from here." Anybody else ever feel this way?? If so, what have you done about it?
  • I think that successfully working toward any big goal makes you realize what you're capable of and what you deserve. No settling!