Diet Coke Aholic --Water Yuk?

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  • Kicking the Coke habit can happen but it isn't easy. Three months ago I made the decision to take care of my health and lower my chemical load. I was drinking about 3 L of Coke Zero a day. I quit cold turkey and the first week was very difficult. I can say that I don't really miss it anymore and I sleep much better now. I don't drink the Crystal Light because I find it's trading one chemical for another but I did switch to bottled spring water which I find tastes much better than tap. I think there's a lot of arguments on both sides of the fence on whether or not diet pop affects wL but I can definately say that I notice a big difference in how I feel since I traded the Coke for Water.

  • For the last several years I only drink diet sodas when eating out. I was doing a lot of Crystal Light, but also dumped that because of chemicals. Even though I haven't been actively trying to lose weight until recently I have been drinking bottled water for a long time. I like it best cold.