Message of gratitude for all 3FC members

  • I just want to say that I all the wonderful ladies at 3FC make this journey so much easier and more enjoyable. You all are truly an inspiration and without you, I don't know if I could ever do this. Seriously. You ALL have helped me so much more than you know. Seeing successful losers and people who experience the same things as me. I just wanted to say thank you and that I truly care about you all and your journeys. I KNOW you can all do this!

    This site has seriously saved my progressively smaller butt!
  • Thank you for being here and being a part of this wonderful site, too! Great job on your first 14lbs lost and good luck on the rest!

  • Thanks to you too for joining our 3FC community!
  • I'm glad you are here. And yes, I so agree. 3FC is paramount for many of us.
  • You are a great asset to the site as well, it takes a village right?

    I love it here too
  • I know it has been a life saver for me too. Great Job Ladies and Gents.
  • I Love 3FC!
  • I second that!