Salsa! Step away from the cookies!

  • I had this pack of chocolate mint biscuits. I was eating one each day if I wanted one, otherwise I wouldn't. Resisting wasn't that hard, not as hard as I thought it would have been.

    Today I had a long and tiring day and after dinner said to myself, "Ah, there's only four left now, you can have them all."

    Two down, me sprawled all funny watching tv, and I start prodding my thigh...and realise that there's muscle there which wasn't there before. Or rather, that was covered with a thicker layer of fat before.

    Now the other two biscuits are back in the cupboard. Seeing the changes in my body (guess what? I have COLLAR BONES and I don't even have to pull a funny pose to see them!!) is inspiring - I just want to burn lots of fat to see what happens next!

    Ok, that was my randomness for today. I don't know why I have a blog, I never use it and I just put my thoughts up here
  • That's really great that you managed to stop at 2 and find something positive instead. I've been struggling with weekends and this weekend I'm setting myself a challenge to not go silly with the extra "treats" as I call them. It always seems like a good idea at the time, but come Sunday night or Monday morning I'm totally disgusted with myself again so this week I'm trying to change that.
  • I'm the same way. It's when I'm noticing successful changes that I find it easy to make more great choices. Noticing your muscles and bones is way motivating

    Some people go off track when the scale goes down, I'm the opposite. If it's going down, I wanna stay on track. It's when it's going up, or not going down, that I have trouble.
  • Quote: That's really great that you managed to stop at 2 and find something positive instead. I've been struggling with weekends and this weekend I'm setting myself a challenge to not go silly with the extra "treats" as I call them. It always seems like a good idea at the time, but come Sunday night or Monday morning I'm totally disgusted with myself again so this week I'm trying to change that.
    One a day. That's how much I let myself have. One a day - if I want it, if not, I don't.

    I don't know if that might work for you, but perhaps it's worth a try. But believe me, you can absolutely do it. The disgust is a millstone that is not worth our time or energy.
  • Salsa,
    Thanks for the encouragement, I'm going to try really hard this weekend.
    The main problem is like last weekend, DH came home with scones, so I had one of those Saturday, after I'd had my planned treat meal on Friday night. Then Sunday DH and DD baked and I was guilted into having a piece of cake after dinner, plus a glass of wine with dinner.
    I'd have been quite happy if I'd just had the meal Friday night, but the others weren't planned and I felt like I'd had them just for the sake of it, when I didn't REALLY want them.
    I need to learn to choose what I REALLY want when I have a treat and not waste those chances, so I don't feel the disgust afterwards.
  • Yay.. good girl Salsa
  • That is awesome that you found a way to curb that desire and carry on. Good for you!
  • Good job!

    I'm having easier moments like that too.... now if only they were that easy each time!!