Cheap recipe ideas?

  • Hi, I'm tight on money right now, So can't buy all the ingredients for a lot of the recipes, I was wondering if anyone has some low cost recipe ideas, I'm not to picky of an eater, So any recipe is appreciated, thanks
  • is a great site for finding any recipe. It has all of the approximate nutrition facts of each recipe so you can easily calculate points. You can even search recipes based on ingredients you already have. You'll have to navigate the page to find the healthy section, and then you'll have to figure what you can afford. I suggest making one big pot of soup you can eat for a few days. Good ol' Chicken Veggie Soup can cost just pennies a meal.
  • is another great site. The "dieting on a budget" (under the Healthy HBHW tab) has tons of information and recipes.
  • Awesome, I'll check those out, thanks :]
  • Also, try (a website by Linda Watson). She has lots of great recipes that average out to about 1.20 per meal. A lot of her recipes are WW friendly, especially the bean recipes. You can buy an e-book for very little money, but the website has free recipes, too.
  • Very usefull information you have got there. Thanks alot.