Websites you love that help with weight loss.

  • I checked out sparkpeople, and while I think all the tools are awesome, I think its super confusing. What are other websites you love?? I don't need forum websites. We all love this one
  • I like They have lots of calculators that are good for when I'm bored. They also have sample meal plans for various calorie limits. I think they go from 1200 to 1800. The meals are healthy and plenty enough so that you shouldn't feel starved. I haven't poked around anywhere else long enough to make judgment. I like dailyplate but I think it's limited for those not interested in registering.
  • I cast my vote for 3FC. This is where "diet" goes out the window - this is where everybody understands that eating lifestyles are an individual process, and where support (and the occasional kick in the @$$) are available 24/7.

    For just plain hardcore statistics on edibles, I'm fond of
  • 3FC of course,, and
  • Hungry Girl as an extra. 3FC is my main spot, of course!
  • I use to log my weight every day.

    ...which is based on The Hacker's Diet, an e-book that I absolutely adore:

    I currently use for tracking my calories... I like some things about it... I've never found a calorie tracking site that I really love.

    I get most of my recipes from - it's fairly easy to search for low-fat, high-protein, low-carb, whatever you need.

    I also find a lot of healthy recipes on Martha Stewart's website, especially her "Whole Living" site:
  • livestrong and fitday for sure! Also- this one!
  • Thanks everyone!!!