Coming to end of preconditioning--what to expect next?

  • I go in for my 1st visit after preconditioning for 6 days...Wondering what to expect....Is it going to get REALLY restrictive now? How do you deal with socializing and doing this? Challenged but hanging in there.
  • well it all depends what your weight is now. If you are 200 or more you get the beige menu and once you drop below that you either get the blue, green or yellow. My center said you get to choose which one you want to do. I don't know about other centers. Since I'm on the beige now its pretty easy for me. I just need to remember not to add too much salt to my food and drink more then the required oz of water (64 oz). Well I hope this helps a little. Good luck on your weigh loss goal. I'm cheering for ya
  • Quote: I go in for my 1st visit after preconditioning for 6 days...Wondering what to expect....Is it going to get REALLY restrictive now? How do you deal with socializing and doing this? Challenged but hanging in there.
    MRC does have many menus because we have different needs. Being under 200 lbs you probably will get the yellow menu for 4 days. Yes, it is restrictive but I ate all that was recommended and I was not hungry nor did I crave things. Days 5 through 10 you probably will be on the blue menu. Things you eat at each meal will be a little different than from the yellow, a bit more variety but still pretty restrictive. These two menus will put your body into ketosis - the fat burning state where you will burn your own fat for energy. Day 11 you probably will go on the green menu where you have many more choices, again a little different configuration of what you have at each meal, but this will be the menu you will probably stay on until you get close to your goal. During the 6 weeks of Stabilization you gradually add things back in you were not allowed before. I am in week 3 of Stabilization and 'snitched' a bite of fudge after dinner. 5 months ago, I would have had 3 or 4 pieces (or all of it) but tonight, about 2 minutes after I had eaten the one piece, I was able to drink my water and not get another piece - and without a lot of 'willpower'. I was very pleased. Good luck to you, it is definitely possible to do this. jeanette
  • Thanks
    I really appreciate the looks like even though this week of preconditioning has been doable....but hard....I've really only just day at a time,
  • you have NO IDEA whats coming with the yellow menu!!! GOOD LUCK!! STICK to it! it WILL get better...FYI- i was absolutely STARVING on the yellow menu, but it is only 4 days....then it gets better. I laughed when i saw the yellow HAMSPTER eats more than we are allowed in it!!
  • Quote: you have NO IDEA whats coming with the yellow menu!!! GOOD LUCK!! STICK to it! it WILL get better...FYI- i was absolutely STARVING on the yellow menu, but it is only 4 days....then it gets better. I laughed when i saw the yellow HAMSPTER eats more than we are allowed in it!!
    If you could have seen my FACE when I saw the yellow menu. I almost felt like crying. 1 is over and I made it. In my mind at the meeting I was thinking of 8 oz as a cup versus 8 oz in the salad stuff at lunch was really a big salad. I went to the salad bar at grocery store and got all the veggies and made it easy for myself. Thanks for your encouragement! I can do anything for 4 days.....glad to see your progress.
  • Quote: MRC does have many menus because we have different needs. Being under 200 lbs you probably will get the yellow menu for 4 days. Yes, it is restrictive but I ate all that was recommended and I was not hungry nor did I crave things. Days 5 through 10 you probably will be on the blue menu. Things you eat at each meal will be a little different than from the yellow, a bit more variety but still pretty restrictive. These two menus will put your body into ketosis - the fat burning state where you will burn your own fat for energy. Day 11 you probably will go on the green menu where you have many more choices, again a little different configuration of what you have at each meal, but this will be the menu you will probably stay on until you get close to your goal. During the 6 weeks of Stabilization you gradually add things back in you were not allowed before. I am in week 3 of Stabilization and 'snitched' a bite of fudge after dinner. 5 months ago, I would have had 3 or 4 pieces (or all of it) but tonight, about 2 minutes after I had eaten the one piece, I was able to drink my water and not get another piece - and without a lot of 'willpower'. I was very pleased. Good luck to you, it is definitely possible to do this. jeanette
    This is so encouraging--and to see that you were at my weight and dropped so low---hard to imagine! My biggest goal is to lose unhealthy belly fat and am so hopeful this will do it. Any other pointers are welcome. Keep up the good work yourself. When you hit the ketosis...did you feel bad or lack energy? Years ago I did South Beach and literally felt bad for about a day or so. Today I was surprised that energy level was okay.
  • Quote: This is so encouraging--and to see that you were at my weight and dropped so low---hard to imagine! My biggest goal is to lose unhealthy belly fat and am so hopeful this will do it. Any other pointers are welcome. Keep up the good work yourself. When you hit the ketosis...did you feel bad or lack energy? Years ago I did South Beach and literally felt bad for about a day or so. Today I was surprised that energy level was okay.
    My husband and I tried Atkins back around 2000 and we both lost weight - problem was he lost muscle too and that scared us. Because of the amount of protein and the combination of foods at each meal on MRC, you pretty much just burn what you eat and your own fat. I have not felt bad or lacked energy throughout the whole 4 months. I too want to lose the belly fat and that has happened but I lost more in the bust and arms than I wanted. My exercise has consisted of two aquatic exercises sessions (hour each) in a warm water pool (not necessarily aerobic exercises) and two yoga sessions (hour each) each week. People who can run or bike ride will do better at reducing the flabby skin than I have - it will just take me longer, I think.
    I was just so amazed that I could do it and it really was working. I think you will do fine - just stick to it, keep a good food diary, go in to your center twice a week and take advantage of the classes and recipes they offer. jeanette
  • This really helps me get my mind ready for whats to come. I just started preconditioning today. I'm so use to eating a huge breakfast and drinking lots of coffee (at least 4 cups). I only had 1 cup this morning although she said I could have 2. Breakfast is my biggest meal of my day. I'm going to hang in there because the results will be great. Thanks everyone!
  • I am on day 22 and have lost a total of 13lbs, I was discouraged after the 8th day b/c I didn't lose any more weight until 2 days ago. So my advice is to stay focused and don't become discouraged when your initial water weight loss stops. They say your fat cells are filling with water, hence the plateau. What I learned is to not go too long in between meals or you will be starving!! I never ate dinner so early as I have been. And I eat more veggies than it says b/c I need to feel full and they help fill me up.
  • Quote: This really helps me get my mind ready for whats to come. I just started preconditioning today. I'm so use to eating a huge breakfast and drinking lots of coffee (at least 4 cups). I only had 1 cup this morning although she said I could have 2. Breakfast is my biggest meal of my day. I'm going to hang in there because the results will be great. Thanks everyone!
    My biggest challenge in preconditioning was giving up diet soda so am glad I had a little time to work through this before getting to "day 1". I assume your coffee is caffeinated--might trying doing half calf/half decaf for a day or so....gradually weaning down. I always liked creamer and sugar in my coffee but have adjusted to decaf with Splenda and it's really not bad....still get that aromatherapy and warmth in the morning. Good luck to you!
  • Quote: I am on day 22 and have lost a total of 13lbs, I was discouraged after the 8th day b/c I didn't lose any more weight until 2 days ago. So my advice is to stay focused and don't become discouraged when your initial water weight loss stops. They say your fat cells are filling with water, hence the plateau. What I learned is to not go too long in between meals or you will be starving!! I never ate dinner so early as I have been. And I eat more veggies than it says b/c I need to feel full and they help fill me up.
    Thanks so much for sharing as it's helpful to others.