What to do when you are doing everything you can, but still not losing?

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  • Quote: I think I am eating ok but I estimating calories and I think that is where I am falling down. I guess if you don't count a few here and a few there, it can add up pretty quickly.
    It gets us every single time. Amazing how those calories add up. That's why for me, without tracking them, they sneak in. And we can't let em'!

    It also amazes me just how few calories we really need to survive. I truly believe G-d made us that way to protect us in times of famine, but sadly, I think it may have backfired. Since we were engineered to thrive, function and prosper requiring so little energy (calories) and being that there is SUCH an overabundance of sinfully high calorie man-made foods out there, well the two are constantly butting heads and it can be a challenge.

    A challenge - yes. Impossible to conquer - **** no!!!
  • RockinRobin: I completely agree. There's a ton of research out there supporting it too. The fat gene and what not. The people who had not managed to put on enough weight during feast times would die out leaving behind the people who had been able to and so those were the genes that got passed on to us, the fat genes. Problem being that now (in 1st world countries where we chicks live anyhow) there are no times of famine, it's all feast (and sadly so much of our feast is made up of foods our ancestors wouldn't even recognize). It also explains insulin resistance and the "apple shape". Our ancestors needed to pack on the weight in order to survive the famine, but they still needed to be able to run from the cave lion that was trying to eat them - so they packed the weight on in the middle, leaving the legs and arms fairly thin so they could still run, hunt, and do the things they needed to. So, many of us probably can at least partially blame our fat genes for our fat jeans. Sorry, that was bad.

    BornToFly: How are things? Are you feeling less stuck yet? I hope so.
  • Quote: It gets us every single time. Amazing how those calories add up. That's why for me, without tracking them, they sneak in. And we can't let em'!

    It also amazes me just how few calories we really need to survive. I truly believe G-d made us that way to protect us in times of famine, but sadly, I think it may have backfired. Since we were engineered to thrive, function and prosper requiring so little energy (calories) and being that there is SUCH an overabundance of sinfully high calorie man-made foods out there, well the two are constantly butting heads and it can be a challenge.

    A challenge - yes. Impossible to conquer - **** no!!!
    Robin, I agree! But, just how many calories do we really need? I read somewhere that it's around 200 every 3 hours. Does that sound right? And then we need to worry about the type of food we are eating - combine protein & good carbs in proper proportions... HELP!
  • Really great posts, folks. Big thanks to Charles for reposting. That was a seriously helpful.