Maintainers Chat: September 28 - October 4

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  • Happy last few days of September! It's supposed to get cooler here this week and I can't wait because I love fall.

    I visited friends in North Carolina for a long weekend and just got home last night. It was one of those deals where I closed my eyes to go to sleep and all I saw was interstate. Ugh! The good news is that I lost .6 pounds, which means I maintained. And that's what it's all about.

    My big challenge is that I'll be working every day, including Saturdays and Sundays, for the next two weeks or so. I still tend to turn to food as a "poor me" reward so really have to watch out for that kind of bad thinking. And planning and cooking meals in advance will be key. It's definitely soup and chili weather so I'll have to make some big pots.

    How was everyone's weekend?
  • Good morning all
    I gained two lbs. last week. Mourning the pets with chocolate chip cookies and chocolate bars.

    I'm really hoping the hypnosis thing works for me. I have 3FC for support and I think that's great but there are times when I'm not able to access the group.

    I need to be able to do something that works to stop the emo eating. I'm booked for hypnosis Oct. 15. Will try to maintain until then.

    I also have a reunion of sorts coming up on Oct. 22 so that's incentive to get back under 135, maybe even close to 130. People from high school organized an event via Facebook at a local tavern we all used to frequent in our student days.

    I didn't attend the prom or anything back in my graduation days (didn't attend either college graduation either) and haven't kept up with anyone because I really didn't have many friends.

    I guess this is a chance at reconnecting and I'm going to try. Everything to gain, right?

    As for DH I just can't deal with whatever he's doing and my own stuff. He is busy with all of his projects and I'm not any kind of priority in his life so I'm going to attend to my own stuff for a while.

    Have a great week all!

  • Good Monday morning. I had an OP week-end and I am headed to the gym as soon as the kids get on the bus. I hope to be back into my regularly scheduled routine this week.
  • Dagmar Seems like you are in a difficult spot for now. Just keep on hanging in there! Even if you cannot access the group at all times, we are thinking of you. And good for you to take some action to get to grips with the current situation, Who knows, the highschool reunion could be loads of fun!

  • Meg, working every day, yuck! IMO it's bad enough to work 5 days a week!

    Dagmar - Sorry to hear you're in a tough spot. I hope the hypnosis helps. Have fun at the reunion!

    Hi Ward and Rabbit! Ward, did you get flooded?

    I'm hungry. Today is Yom Kippur, and while I'm observant enough to not eat, I'm not observant enough to take the day off work and go to services. I ate a lot for dinner yesterday hoping that it would help me make it through the fast better, but it's only 8:30 and I'm already starving!

    Tomorrow afternoon I'm off to Tucson for this conference. I hope it will be valuable. It will be nice to get away from my desk at work for a while because we're in a lull right now and I don't have much to do.
  • Good morning!

    Meg, you have to work every day? Hopefully not 8 hours a day. Know what you mean about the "poor me" food reward.

    Dagmar, the older you get, the more the reunions are fun, IMHO. It's been a lot of fun for me to catch up with people from high school via Facebook. Hope the hypnosis helps--will be interested in hearing about that. I'm sorry about the stuff with DH--it's tough being in a relationship by yourself.

    WardHog, have a good workout!

    Jessica, do you have to fast all day? It's been a long time since I worked at the synagogue so I remember almost nothing except the thing about turning pockets inside out. I think that was associated with the high holy days in some manner?? Hope your conference goes well.

    I made it through my DGD's birthday yesterday with not too much damage. I had the florist make a cupcake of flowers with a candle in it, which we put on her grave early in the morning. My son had put balloons on, which aren't allowed but what the heck. I guess my ex-DIL put a real cake on the grave. It might be a cultural thing, but all I could think about when my son told me this was that it would attract rats, mice and all sorts of hungry critters to her grave.

    This week I will get back to the gym. Working in the yard is pretty aerobic, but I've got to get back into my routine before I get too flabby.

    Have a good Monday!
  • Happy Monday!

    Meg, power to you in you intense work schedule! Great idea on all the cooking ahead. Chili sounds great even though it's still about 100 degrees here - but then I am in the southwest so chili is a year-round thing for sure!

    Dagmar, I hope you enjoy your reunion! Sorry to hear about your current DH situation, but you are right to keep taking care of yourself - sometimes that's all you can do. I hope the hypnosis helps you.

    Jessica, oddly enough when I eat a big dinner I tend to get hungry earlier the next day...

    I'm frustrated that the scale was back up this morning - 131.5. I didn't eat THAT much this weekend! Back to the grind...
  • Dagmar~I'll be interested to hear how the hypnotism works for you.

    Sheila~hugs to you on such a difficult day

    I'm starting out the week on a good note. My weight did not do the typical 1-2 pound upward bounce over the weekend. Perhaps I'll be lucky and actually drop a pound this week.

    My DH is flying to Yakima on Thursday to measure for the job we got up there. Meanwhile I still have a lot of paperwork to complete in order to get in line for business up there. Time for work.
  • Sheila, .
  • Good morning!

    We are having a sad time at my office - the new accountant I hired a few months ago had to put her mom into hospice a couple of weeks ago, left work abruptly on 9/17 because she got a call from the hospice center that the end could come at any time. Terrible situation, her mom has been sick for a while and has been in and out of the hospital. Then, to make it worse for her, her house flooded in the rains last week - the finished basement if totally flooded, there is some damage to the main floor of the house, and her flood insurance company is telling her that er coverage is 'limited' for some reason. I just found out this morning that her mom passed away last night. Either of these situations would be overwhelming on there own and she is in the midst of both at once. It is so sad.

    Sheila - to you and your family. The flower cupcake was a beautiful idea.

    Dagmar - to you, too. I'm sorry that things are hard for you right now. I have a friend who did the hypnosis and it did give her some time to reset some of her habits. I hope it helps you, too.

    Ward - I'm hoping to be back to normal this week, too! Did you guys flood where you are?

    Meg - two weeks with no days off sounds tough. Cooking in advance should help. You can do it!

    Iris - did you eat more sodium this weekend? I know for me I was in line calorie wise all weekend but had a salt fest yesterday, so I moved up a little too.

    Allison - Yay on the scale this morning!

    I kept my eating in line the later part of last week, but I know I had some salty foods over the weekend so today is all water, water, water. We had DSS this weekend, and while we aren't going out to eat all the time like we used to when he was over we find ourselves eating spaghetti, cheese pizza, high sodium stuff.

    Good day everyone!
  • Sheila.
  • Sheila, the fast is from sundown to sundown, so it is a full 24 hours. You're not supposed to have any food or water during that time (you're also not supposed to do any work, and you're supposed to go to services pretty much all day). I'm not very observant so we just do no food, but we still go to work, drink water, and don't go to services. Of course DH accidentally ate something this morning (he was pulling out a veggie plant and plucked a mini-cucumber off of it and ate it without thinking). Oh well, it's the though that counts, right? I agree that the flower cupcake is a lovely memorial.

    Shannon, I'm sorry to hear about your accountant's mom. I hope she can work things out with the insurance company.
  • It is 2:40 and I have already had my lunch, my morning string cheese I rescheduled until afternoon and my trail mix. 2.5 more hours of work and only one snack left. I'm about to make some Hot Cinnamon Green tea I just got and see if that helps. Seriously hungry today. I'm noticing I'm often hungry on Monday - wondering if it is from eating less protein and more carby stuff on the weekends... Hmm..
  • Morning! Busy weekend, so-so eating. And dang, it's COLD here. 30F

    I ended up feeling lousy yesterday and never got to exercise, so I've rearranged this week's schedule so I can get everything in and move the rest day to when I need it to be. I've pretty much got it to where I don't need more than one early morning workout. Now that it's dark and cold, I'm less inclined to be out of my warm bed at 5:15 am.
  • Shannon, I know without a doubt I get munchier after certain carbs. It's like this:

    Imagine that our digestive system is like one of those belts at the grocery store that move groceries so they can get checked out (I'm sure it has a name, I'm sleep deprived from work so bear with me!). ETA: Conveyor belt!

    Ok, now imagine that there are workers standing on either side of the belt picking through the nutrients as they move across the belt. Kind of like Jawas in Star Wars.

    They pick through the nutrients looking for treasure and they let junk go by.

    They are impatient little Jawas. When we eat white flour, junk food of any type, packaged foods, fruit rollups, froot loops, etc., the little Jawas are looking for treasures, but can't find any. It's just junk, junk, junk!!! They get really irrtitated and shout out in their Jawa language to the Jawa foreman that they need MORE nutrients to look through for treasure. The Jawa foreman speeds up the belt. As the belt moves faster and faster, the Jawa desperately dig through, searching, searching, flinging junk all over the place, looking for treasure. Because the belt is running so fast, more nutrients are DEMANDED, so we feel like we need to eat more and more and more.

    I'm convinced that 90% of my overeating problem was due to the urge to eat more because I was feeding my body poorly and it was desperately searching for treasure among the junk and demanding more and more to glean a little treasure here and there.

    When I eat right, I'm satisfied. My body is also very efficient and uses nutrients well, but the belt moves along at a good pace for the Jawas to gather the treasures, instead of blasting the belt at 100 miles per hour out of desperation for something useful.

    Clearly I need more sleep!