Hah, take that Oreos!

  • So, there's Oreos sitting on my kitchen counter. I passed them as I went upstairs and I thought "mmmm, I've been good today, one Oreo isn't going to kill my calorie count"

    But you know what? As I'm sitting here I don't really want the cookie. In fact, I'm going to go for a 30 minute jog (I've already done a 30 minute walk today) and I feel fantastic about being in control like that.

    Yaaaay, control!
  • Yeeeeeehaw!
  • Really let those oreos have it and shove them down the disposal!!!!
  • Quote: Really let those oreos have it and shove them down the disposal!!!!
    Lol, I so would, trust me! Buuuuut I live with 8 people and 3 of them are men, 2 of those 3 are teenage boys. I don't feel like fighting them to the death tonight lol!

    I feel really awesome now, though, because I really hate jogging/running, but the walk/run interval was AWESOME and I can jog for longer than I used to be able to before beginning to lose weight (less than a minute before I was ready to die, now I can do 3 minutes at a time - probably more, but I didn't want to push it).
  • Good for you to start running....that's the way I began....could only run 1/10th a mile--I know, pretty pitiful..now I can go 5-6 miles no problem! the exciting thing about running is how quickly you build..plus, all you need are trainers and you are good to go!!!
  • I'm surprised at how good it felt to be able to do even three minutes straight, especially considering I was seriously against running of any form. And last year in the airport we had to run for our plane because we went to the wrong gate (omg, MORTIFIED, because I'm the daughter of a travel agent - I shouldn't make that mistake lol!) and I had an asthma attack once we got on the plane. :| (granted, south west apologized for the air condition - it was VERY dry air, there was something wrong with their system)

    Next hurdle to overcome: jogging outside. (With my friend, of course, I'm not sure I want to do that alone)
  • You're awesome!
  • I know how ya feel. I'm always apt to give in to my cravings, no matter how small or large - but when I don't, I feel awesome. It's like being on top of the world. For some reason, turning down dessert or not trying my grandma's new fudge is a victory for me. It somehow proves to myself I have will power and I'm strong.

    On the flip side, if I give in, I feel like crap. It makes me completely lazy and apathetic for the rest of the day - not good!! That's when I turn to Youtube & search "weight loss before and after pictures" - that really keeps me going.
  • Well done!

  • AT least put them in the closet or something, out of sight, out of mind. You are fabulous for beating the temptation, however don't push your willpower. Rock On!!
  • Way to go!

    Yesterday, I was feeling the urge to binge and pulled a bag of trail mix out of the cupboard. Before I opened it, though, I had second thoughts and put it away without eating any of it. It feels so good to be able to defeat the need to binge, doesn't it?