At the beginning - how did you feel?

  • Before I get into the question, I want to make it clear that I'm not building any kind of criticism here - however it comes out!

    For 4 days now, I've been eating very low calorie, <1000 - tomorrow is my cycle up day, don't worry!

    However, for 3 days now, I've had stabbing pains in my insides. Is your stomach near the top of the whole system? poor understanding of human biology 101! Anyway, the top of my digestive system is being stabbed, most of the time. I feel quite well in myself but this stinks!

    Walking works it off for a bit, as does drinking water - but if I drink too much water I get the runs.

    I've been trying to think what it could be, and it occurred to me that the only time I've felt like this was when starting Atkins and going low carb, maybe too low out of ignorance. I'm certainly eating low carb at the minute, because I'm eating low everything, and excluding bready carbs anyway.

    So here's the question: can you chickies remember when you first started low-carbing, and did you get pains like this? and, if so, how LONG did they last? Ouchee!
  • do you still have a gallbladder?
  • Hi, I don't know for sure. But I used to get these type pains. It was gas pockets. I do not know what diet you are on. So do not know if that is it. But wanted to tell you what used to cause mine.

    It is funny that caryesings mentioned your gallbladder. I had all kinds of test on mine for this pain.

    Hope you get to feeling better.
  • I've been on Atkins 5 1/2 years and I have never had the feeling you are describing. I agree, could be a gallbladder issue.
  • OK, thanks for the answers, I'll keep looking.

    It is very reminsicent of early gall bladder pains - but my gall bladder divorced me in 1995!
  • I never got stabbing pains or anything... just the "atkins flu" people talk about.