supermarket disaster

  • So... this day started well, with me down two more on the scale...

    So happy, I decided to go shopping. Went to the same store where I recently bought my first ever size 20s, and decided I could do an 18. The 18s fit-- about as snug as the 20s were when I first bought them, which was only about a month ago...

    Emboldened, I tried on some more 18s, 20s, 1Xs and 2Xs... all the jackets were too tight. The 2X fitted shirts were tight, and even though I KNOW that the 2xs wouldn't have fit me AT ALL before, I still was kinda discouraged...

    So, I decided to go next door, to the chichi food store where they have great fish-- as well as all kinds of high end baked goods and just every other good thing.

    Started shopping, everything going fine, went through the baked goods section-- still doing okay.

    Then, all of a sudden, I was so hungry that I felt like I was going to faint, and I started looking all around, checking calories on everything, trying to find something to wolf down right then and there.

    Suddenly, I came to my senses and decided I needed to go home and eat. I was sort of out of sync because I ate breakfast late and so only had a partial lunch.

    As I was getting into the car, I was thinking how weird it was. I wasn't even feeling hungry when I went in the store. I don't know if it was just that I was below my calories and seeing all that food suddenly triggered my hunger, or if it was some underlying discouragement from realizing that 44 lb weight loss or not, I'm still basically a size 3 plus.

    When I got home, I made myself a healthy on plan sandwich and ate it, and I'm fine now, but I don't want that to happen again.
  • Good for you, you didn't cave in to the temptations at the store. I'll bet you feel proud of yourself!
  • Quote:
    As I was getting into the car, I was thinking how weird it was. I wasn't even feeling hungry when I went in the store. I don't know if it was just that I was below my calories and seeing all that food suddenly triggered my hunger, or if it was some underlying discouragement from realizing that 44 lb weight loss or not, I'm still basically a size 3 plus.
    Neither! No way. Maybe you were a bit hungry and thus vulnerable--and you were feeling disappointed (and probably you "managed" that in the past by eating)--but that feeling of famished hunger?--That my dear came straight from the SMELLS of everything around you. And since nothing is likely actually cooked or baked in a food court--it was ALL MANUFACTURED. It's like you walked by one of those perfume Spritzing people and were doused--only this was with food smells.

    And congrats to you for getting out of there quickly. Seriously--that was ver, very smart. It would have been so easy to succump. So bravo.
    This is why I don't shop!
  • WAY TO GO!!!-that really is a hard situation--i know i always used to reward myself(good or bad) with yummy treats- and its good to know that you can beat that urge--keep up the good work and be proud everytime you beat it!!!
  • It sounds to me like maybe you had a mini panic/anxiety attack. I get them often when I'm at the grocery the baked good food addiction trigger. Glad you made it out and didn't self medicate!
  • low sugar
    When was the last time you had a check up... Have your A1C checked...
    Sounds like your surgar dropped.
    I am diabetic and I know low blood sugar.. and thats excacty what I have went thru several times.. It happened just the other day.. So get checked out and dont long periods with out eating...
    They can do the A1C test in the doctors office now.Takes about 6 minutes...
    Used to have to draw blood now they can do it with a finger stick...
  • Ubergirl, congrats on your display of will power. But please heed carol43's advice. Low blood glucose can make one feel off kilter.
  • Firstly, it was no disaster! I could have been, but as you didn't eat any of it, there was no disaster. This was a supermarket success story.

    Secondly, you were hungry! It sounds like your eating had been unusual that day, and if you hadn't eaten anything in a few hours, (particularly if what you had eaten was low in fat or protein) this is what bodies do! They run out of blood sugar, and then send off a message to you brain that you neeeeeed foooooood. Unfortunately, you were near cake when it happened, and so you freaked out. But you resisted the cake temptation and did exactly the right thing - got out of there and ate something healthy.

    Thirdly, this will happen again! All the planning and willpower in the world cannot negate your instinct to eat when hungry. But next time you can think "well, I survived the supermarket that time, I can resist this time too!" Oh, and next time, carry a snack.

    It sounds like you need more protein earlier in the day. Also, next time you get hungry...hit the produce area...bananas do the trick. Or, find some raw almonds. If you will eat 15-20 along with the banana, I promise you will be good for a while.

    WTG! Way to work it girl!
  • I agree.
    Quote: When was the last time you had a check up... Have your A1C checked...
    Sounds like your surgar dropped.
    I am diabetic and I know low blood sugar.. and thats excacty what I have went thru several times.. It happened just the other day.. So get checked out and dont long periods with out eating...
    They can do the A1C test in the doctors office now.Takes about 6 minutes...
    Used to have to draw blood now they can do it with a finger stick...
    Sounds like low blood sugar... I have gone through this toooooo many times. The way you describe it, sounds like that is what it is.