TBL Season 8 Show Discussion Thread **SPOILERS**

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  • Maybe no update b/c it's getting close to the end? The real time on the show is mid to end of july, as the DC workout thing was on July 12th. And Daniel's update focused on his entire year long journey on the show, so his weight loss was more dramatic.

    I wonder how many episodes we have left, especially since Daniel said he was 2 weeks away from being in the finals.
  • on jay she said she lost another 50, so 150 for Shay current weight is 320. Daniel has lost 230.
  • So maybe we were supposed to watch Jay to find out? Sounds reasonable to me, but 2 hours of BL was about all I had to give tonight.
  • I just watched Shay and Daniel on the website for Jay Leno...so glad to see Shay is doing quite well...Daniel too.

    I am not getting the "relationship" thing...help!
  • I think the rumor is Amanda and Daniel, but don't hold me to it EZ
  • Wow...Amanda and Daniel? If that is true, I really didn't see that coming. This is truely been a year for hook-ups on TBL....LOL!
  • I know she needed to lose a lot but I am so glad Shay is gone. So tired of all her whining about how important she is..blah,blah, blah every episode. But I did watch Leno too and she looks great. So glad she kept it up. She said she works out 4 hours on the days she works and 6 hours on her days off with one rest day. My Lord that is commitment. She looked really happy too.

    Look forward to makeover week.
  • Quote: I know she needed to lose a lot but I am so glad Shay is gone. So tired of all her whining about how important she is..blah,blah, blah every episode. But I did watch Leno too and she looks great. So glad she kept it up. She said she works out 4 hours on the days she works and 6 hours on her days off with one rest day. My Lord that is commitment. She looked really happy too.

    Look forward to makeover week.
    ugh me too, i couldn't take another hour of her whining about her struggles, she totally got on my nerves. I don't think she's going to keep the weight off, she's too attached to the victim role I think, how these things keep *happening* to her, wah wah wah OMG I sound so hateful LOL sorry! BUT from a game point of view, i would have kept her, no way is she going to win. Maybe next year they'll bring daniel back again so he can get rid of the last 15 lbs. on the ranch...again...
  • Quote: I think the rumor is Amanda and Daniel, but don't hold me to it EZ
    Saw on another board, looks like Rebecca not Amanda
  • There is a video on TBL website of Shay. She looks good, but I had to keep the volume off because I'm at work, lol. So I'll have to watch it tonight and see what she says.

    Yeah, I think it's Rebecca & Daniel. She was tore up about him leaving last night and "had" to hug him.
  • I thought is was Rebecca and Daniel too... based on the way she ran up to him when he was coming off the scale...
  • Quote: So who was it that daniel hooked up with?

    I saw on the NBC board some folks are ticked off at the contestants who voted off Shay. You know...if this were earlier on in the show it would be one thing. But at this point, I'm like...what would Shay have learned in 3 months that she hasn't learned in two months? I mean, yes, she still has a long road to go. But the girl has 6 trainers now! And she's doing it in "the real world", which is where the real test is.

    I think Jillian will be more upset about Shay leaving than Bob, since it saved Amanda, whom we keep hearing he has a bond with. And it seems the remaining contestants are more inclined towards Bob than Jillian.

    Rudy seems to have set some viewers against him after that circus ring thing with Shay. I was more annoyed with Shay. Rudy did wait til the end, when it was either Shay or Danny...why would he have gone against his friend. Shay would have done exactly the same thing if the third person had been Amanda or Rebecca instead of Danny...she would have aimed for Rudy, not her allies. I can't really say I'm sorry to see her go...I, too, was tired of her always being so quick to condemn others and act like she deserved to be there more.
  • it would have been "smarter" to keep Shay because she was not going to win anything.

    As for 6 trainers, I don't see how this is real world or how long she is going to be able to maintain this level of work out. I personally am not sure how much she has learned although the right words came out of her mouth I don't think she believes it or believes in herself. I would have been really to hear her say she has a counceler too. I hope in the end, 2 years or more to lose another 200 lbs? that she will come out a new person but 450lbs in a monumnetal place to start and she needs to find her ballance in life and in how she sees herself in this world and who she is and is going to be in it.
  • I saw the hug but....

    I just really don't see Rebecca with Daniel....I really don't.
  • Oh I'm so glad Shay went home!! First of I was sick to death of her constant whining...oh poor me I'm 376 lbs...yeah so do something about it! Being on that show just allowed her to continue to play the victim which was a role she was loving. She had Bob fighting for her and Jillian fighting for her then all her friends were sneaking equipment for her. Shay needed to do this HERSELF, and the only way she was going to was to go home. She needed to become empowered and apparently the only way she was going to was to go home. And I'm also sick to death of her whining about getting her life back and how she has NOONE....so the man and the friends and her SISTER are nooone and nothing?

    I wish her such good things, I hope she continues on her journey and she's already down 150 lbs!!