watched DATELINE and now confused

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  • Greetings all you meat lovers

    Did any of you watch Dateline last night? It was my first introduction to a low carb diet. I really don't know a thing about carbs... call me blonde!

    Been doing ww for about 10 weeks now with some success.

    Do any of you do a combo of the two programs?

    How many carbs does one need? (or does that depend on your point of view?)

    is there a web site to tell you how many carbs are in foods?

    I'd like to learn a bit more about this subject.


  • Hi Dana and welcome to the LC Forum.

    I am going to move your post into the regular LC forum as there is more action and expertise in there. There are also some chicks who have done the WW/LC combo.

    As to how many carbs we need, it really depends on the plan being followed. the Food Rules suggest 300 per day but those of us on restricted carbs do from 20 to 200 per day - the low number is Atkins Induction. I used to have an URL for carb counts but have lost it. does have a calculator - you might try that site.

    As to learning more - there are many books availabl;e as well as many websites. Try a net search on low carbohydrate diets.

    I am sure the chicks on the Low Carb! board will have URLS and other suggestions.

    HAng out with us - we are nuts!
  • Hey Dana!

    I do (well, lately I sort of do ) the combination of ww low carb. If you look in the book for week one they give you the higher point option for protein. What works...or has worked...or can work when I AM WORKING IT, is to have 3 meals and a snack all with protein and then a sugary "thing" before bedtime.

    Thanks for posting the question Dana...just for today I WILL work that program!

    Gee, I think I am beginning to see your point about nuts, Ruth!

  • Morning Dana!! glad to see you POP in up here! there are many people here that do their own version of low carb, so hang in there and some one will come up with the answers.
  • Hey Dana!

    I do WW too, but I eat more protein and fat than the strict guidelines of the program recommend (basically instead of low fat, I eat what would probably be considered moderate fat; but I do try to choose lower fat, high quality protein and soy products for my protein needs).

    I also try to choose at least 5 servings of low carb veggies every day (in at least 4 or 5 different colors) and cut back on high carb foods (basically processed white flour and sugar). As Peachie has said: "Fiber is my friend!"

    I do eat some high carb veggies, fruits, and milk -- which is a no-no on some low carb plans...but I try to keep those to a couple of servings a day.

    (note the emphasis on "try" ! )

    Read the literature, but keep in mind that there are a lot of voices out there wanting you to buy THEIR plan. I think it's been really important for me to read but also become more aware of how my specific body reacts to certain foods. For example, for me -- pasta is ALWAYS a set up for overeating, but a baked potato isn't. The fact that we're all individuals is what makes this thing so challenging.

    More and more information is coming out in support of the low carb alternatives -- and for me it has been invaluable in reprogramming my "low fat is better" mentality (we can't forget that WW makes a pretty penny selling us low fat, high carb, processed foods). But what seems to work best for me as far as energy and minimizing my obsession w/food is a balanced approach -- thinking about the 4 food groups at every meal and trying to get in at least 3...but eating an ounce or two extra of meat at each meal, putting a pat of Smart Balance on my high fiber bread...that kind of thing.

    Hope this helps!


    ps My WW leader confessed to me the other day that she is certain that she would never have kept her weight off if she hadn't upped her protein intake!
  • Hi Dana! I too watched the Dateline show the other night and they are having Dr Atkins and his program on 48hrs I believe Friday night. I started doing a lot of searching after watching Dateline and seeing how much weight the correspondent had lost following the low carb diet.....and I am pretty impressed with some of the results I have read up on......I too think I will try this after many attempts on WW's only to fail myself!!!

    I read on another board cant remember which one it was....but they were saying to go to and that site has a calculator of how many carbs you should eat and how many calories.....although many of the ladies were quite disgusted with the HIGH amounts they were recommending....but you could at least get an idea of how much your allowed and go from there!

    Ruthxxx...does anyone go to chat anymore? I keep sneaking in off and on and no one is ever there anymore......*pouts*....was hoping to get help from those low-carb eaters in there....ha ha

    Take care all...and good luck!!!
  • Hey Mom - I never find anybody in the chatroom either. I've even gone in a couple of times at night in the last few weeks and found the room empty. Maybe you and I will eventually run into each other in there since we at least seem to check out the place every once and awhile.

    I miss my chatting buddies!

  • Hi, Dana. I remember you from another 3FC board. I have recently switched from WW to Atkins and feel so much better. I can't believe how much more energy I have following this plan. I also lost 5 lb the first week and considering it took me a whole year to lose 28 lb. following WW (higher protein version) I am totally hooked on this woe. I have such insulin resistance that I just can't eat that way (so-called "well balanced" with fruits, grains, etc.) Perhaps once I get down to my long term goal I will be able to reintroduce some of my faves but for now I'm sticking with the plan. It works.
    yep.. the chattiest, funniest chicks around...

    about the low carb thing and ww.. years and YEARS ago, even before you were born [don't you just hate us old bats!!!] WW strictly limited carbs as follows: women were allowed 2 slices of bread a day. one had to be at breakfast. you could have some cereal three days a week, and then you could have a sandwich for lunch.

    three times per week you could have 3 oz of potato, 1/2 c rice, or 1/2 c of pasta instead of 1 slice of bread

    the high carb vegs were limited to 4 oz per day, but you HAD to eat those 4 oz. raw or cooked. the low carb vegs were allowed pretty much freely.

    and 3 servings of fruit, and you could have an apple OR a pear OR a banana and that counted as one fruit. your other two had to be something else... just about ANYTHING else.

    the protein requirement was 2 oz at breakfast, 4 oz at lunch, and 6 oz at dinner.

    and on this diet, i lost 70 pounds and was at goal. it worked great. and then they started adding carbs and i kept gaining.

    20 20 hindsight says that there's a lesson in this...

    keep us posted on what you decide... we're always interested.. and curious.... and never quiet...
  • WOW JIFF... You must be as old as ME!!! I remember that WW plan. Just one of the many millions I've tried and failed with over the years...

    DANA: I have to be the all time skeptic of low car eating... Tried it once about 25 years ago and ended up in the hospital, so I blamed the diet and yelled at anyone who even mentioned it. Then my hubby Ol'Alvin had WLS and what kind of diet did his surgeon put him on?? None other that High Protein, Low Carb. I'm a researcher, and a reader, so I started reading everything I could get my hands on about low carb eataing, and must say I was convinced. I started eating LC on 5/1/02 and the pounds are literally melting away. I thought I could never ever give up sugar, but it has been no problem at all. Don't ever really want it. Bread has never been a biggy in my diet, so that has been no problem either. I'm hardly ever hungery, and feel great. So all I can say is, give it a try. Then I'm sure you'll be as convinced as I am.

    try it, you'll like it!!!

    MOM & CATHEY: I'm usually on the computer everynight, and I'd love to chat. I also go to the chat room a lot, but don't stay because I don't know anyone. IM Me at ICQ 873939377, or MSN as [email protected] and let me know you're online and well meet in the chatroom.
  • Hi ALL,
    Was wondering if anyone had tried Dr. Scott Connelly's Body RX diet/excercise plan. I've read the book and it touts a high-protein high-complex carbohydrate diet combined with weight training and strict avoidance of the evil ingredient *fructose*, aka high-fructose corn syrup.
    I also saw the Dateline about Atkins... with heart disease in my family, am wary of a steak&eggs-intensive diet (although I know you can substitute other proteins). Also ketosis doesn't seem to be a natural state...
  • please read the article in the NY times but I have not done body Rx as i have not had the cash to buy the book but do know amny that have. I follow BFL with a lower carb diet and do grat. many that have done BRx like the meals it is lowish carb

    I have to attest to my cholesterol numbers I used to be high but now run 176 with triglycerides under 100 ldl 68 and hdl 79 the doc is really pleased. and actually ketosis is a natural state it is ketoacidosis that is unnatural. that is explained very nicely in the article in the NY times. the title of the atrticle is "big fat lie?"
  • Hi nasus40,
    Thanks... I was able to find the article on, but had to register 1st, but that was free. It's interesting, and a lot of the info parallels what is in "Body RX". Yeah, the book is kind of expensive I take an excercise class 2x a week, and my instructor recommended the book.
    It is basically like Atkins, but emphasizes "more protein" more than eliminating carbs. He eliminates simple carbs, but not complex carbs, but does really basically reduce all carbs. He talks about the simple carb/insulin level phenomenon, it's the same idea. He shows a chart showing a direct correlation between the increase in fructose aka high-fructose corn syrup around 1980 and the huge increase in obesity in America.
    I could never do "straight Atkins" because intuitively it seems wrong; also boring. steak-eggs-steak-eggs-steak-eggs But I certainly agree with greatly reducing simple carbs.
    Also, Dr. Connelly really emphasizes having 6 small meals a day, and strength training, because of course muscles are fat-burning mechanisms!
  • Hello Ladies! I am doing WW right now.....a sad attempt I must add...but kind of want to try low carb. I've done it before, but never stuck to it...should I try again?
  • Just posted to your other post. just want to say give it a try. you can not do any worse that whay you wee doing before. that is my theory if it works for you then stick to it but if you are not happy with it or not getting success then change and find what works but please give it a honest 30 day trial. you will be supriesd at how great you feel after that.