1st strength training work-out!

  • Was so much fun! I didn't even realize that 30 minutes was up!

    I also found out I'm not a big fan of the exercise bike? For whatever reason it makes me feel like I'm not doing enough? Has anyone else felt that way?
  • The stationary bike makes me feel the same way sometimes, i get kind of bored. Though, after a heavy leg exercise day, it can make me want to lie on the floor and cry if I pick it as my cardio cool down for the day.
  • I tried the stationary bike for the first time yesterday and after 20 minutes when I got up I felt like I was going to fall down!

    It's definantly not something I could start my day with because my jobs require me to stand and walk for 8 hours a day.. but maybe I could use it at night...

    I'm just jumping all over trying to find out what works for me, I have no clue!
    I'm using the Biggest Losers CardioMax and Strength Training DVDs.