No Halloween Candy - take the pledge with me!

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  • I was going to wait until the 31st to buy candy for the trick or treaters, but it was on sale, buy one get one free. And I had coupons. So, it has been purchased, but the bags are still sealed. It's in the cabinet, taunting me, but as long as the bags aren't open, I think I will be able to resist.
  • I made it through our church's fall festival without a single bite! We already have huge tupperware bowl filled with candy but not for me!!!!
  • There's been a little candy off and on at work. I try not to go to City Hall where there's a bowl on most of the desks! I have a bar of dark chocolate in my desk drawer for when the cravings get too bad - haven't broken into it yet!
  • What is it with the USA and candy corn? Everyone there seems to love it.

    I had a handful given to me once and I couldn't eat it. Like consuming melted coloured lumps of sugar covered in chemicals.


    Now chocolate on the other hand . . .

    Dagmar (candy free house)
  • LOL Dagmar, I love eating like 2 pieces of candy corn, but more than that is kind of gross. I was joking with DH yesterday that since candy corn is largely made from corn syrup, it's like eating corn processed and modified to resemble corn!

    (Or in other words, for those of you who like internet memes: Yo dawg, I heard you like corn so we put corn in your corn so you can eat corn while you eat corn!)
  • It's disgusting and sticks to your dental work.

  • My weakness is peanut m&m's & I made a pact w/ one of my co-workers (who loves peanut m&m's) that if he ever sees those in the candy jar he needs to grab it before I do (he's one of those skinny guys w/ super fast metabolisms). It's been working soon as I pass by & I see one the second I turn around it's gone =)

    Incidently, there is only one person at work who fills up the candy jar. This other lady at work who is on WW is going to try to ask her politely to stop filling it. We'll see how it goes...
  • This is a good idea, especially because I binges last night on a package sitting around the house. One wasn't a problem. The full eight were.

    I'm in!
  • Still holding steady after moderate indiscretion.
  • I bought halloween candy for the trick or treaters that come to my door. I only bought stuff I don't like, like Reese's PB cups and Starburst. DH hid all of it when I got home. I have no idea were.
  • So far so good! I thought I might eat a small candy bar from one of the bowls at the office. . .when I was alone and no one would see me. I looked at the choices and thought "there isn't a darned thing there I really want. I won't like how I feel afterward. It's not worth it. Besides, I made a pledge."

    My body is not a trashcan. . .my body is not a trashcan. . .

    I felt strong today. Yea me
  • Quote: So far so good! I thought I might eat a small candy bar from one of the bowls at the office. . .when I was alone and no one would see me. I looked at the choices and thought "there isn't a darned thing there I really want. I won't like how I feel afterward. It's not worth it. Besides, I made a pledge."

    My body is not a trashcan. . .my body is not a trashcan. . .

    I felt strong today. Yea me
    There's no candy at work - yet, which is a good thing. I go to other offices and look at the bowls, and then like you decide there's really nothing I really want, and walk on by. I'll be glad when this is over though.
  • Okay, confession time. I ate 3 "fun size" bags of M & M's and 2 Snickers, also "fun size"...why do they call it fun size? They are so tiny...they are NOT FUN, they are torture. 400 extra calories of crap. DANG IT!

    I was making up my little zip-lock bags of goodies for the kids we will meet in town tonight. All of us country moms make up stuff to pass out in town (tiny town, population 37) since we live so far out in the country and it would take hours to go to each house. Anyway, I was making up my back-pack survival kits to pass out. Believe it or not, the kids actually love them and look forward to getting them. (A baggie with 10 band-aids, chap-stick, travel size kleenex, and travel size hand I usually put in a few cough drops but since the school has become so strict with any kind of meds being brought to school I thought I would put in a few pieces of candy...Just happened to have TONS more candy than baggies. I could NOT stop at one. Ugh. The freaking scale was also up this morning, and I was hoping to have a few treats, (healthy) at the party tonight. Guess I will be measuring out my food again tonight. I suck sometimes. WEAK!
  • Status report
    I ate none of the stuff. Big Yay. Absolutely none.

    It helped that I finally decided to get off the HFCS bandwagon and bought boxes of raisins to hand out, so there were no temptations in my house. The big California Golden Raisins from Trader Joe's in my pantry are better than the ones in the little boxes, so I wasn't drooling for them.

    I did walk over to a few neighbors to say hello, as I've done in the past, but this year I didn't "sample" their handouts.

    It was a good Halloween.
  • Good job, Bill!

    I didn't have any either. We bought Skittles to hand out, one of the few candies that don't tempt me. There are lots leftover and I'll give them to DS, who is diabetic and uses them when he goes into a diabetic low because Skittles are pure sugar. Which makes me wonder what they do to the rest of us and our blood sugar?

    Onward to November! I was just thinking about what an easy holiday Thanksgiving is because it's all about turkey!