What are you snacking on these days?

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  • Usually fruit (bananas, strawberries, cherry tomatoes)...
    Sometimes dairy (but I'm lactose so not often)- string cheese or indiv. cottage cheese cups...
    As for brand name stuff, I like 100 cal. packs of popcorn or Blue Diamond natural almonds (Vanilla Bean or Cinammon Brown Sugar flavor are yummy.)
  • Sweet snack: Kellogg's Fiber Plus Bars (130 cals); Quaker Oats Chocolate Rice Cake 60 cals & spread with 1 tbl cashew butter 90 cals (150 cals); or just fruit - cherries, strawberries, grapes, nectarines are my go-to's.

    Savory/Salty Snacks: veggies w/low fat dip; tomato sprinkled w/salt & pepper w/1oz pepper jack & a tsp light mayo; green beans barely boiled in onion soup mix - drain & add 1 tsp butter

    edited: I just saw you said "on the go" so the green beans & tomatoes are probably not good traveling snacks Sorry..
  • Fruit, pretzels, no pudge brownies, string cheese.
  • Thanks for all these wonderful ideas and I also love hummus!!!!!!!!
  • Strawberry's, Bananas, yogurt (digestive +), Special K bars, apples, pears, celery, carrots, almonds, Digestive health Nut mix, pretzels, grapes (red), string cheese.
  • nuts, dried fruit, popcorn, special k and kashi cereal bars, sometimes I use dry special k cereal as a crunchy snack, cheese sticks.

    A good way to make very healthy popcorn if you don't have an air popping machine- buy the bags of kernals that you would use in an air pop machine, just plain popcorn kernals, put some in a brown paper lunch bag, fold the top a couple times and then microwave it until you hear the popping slow or stop just like you would with microwave popcorn. You can then put flavorings on it or eat it plain as you like. Much healthier than even the healthiest of "microwave" popcorn and a ton cheaper too.

    For the on the go part I use snack sized ziplocs and preportion my snacks. I put whatever a single serving for me is of my dried fruit or nuts, crackers, etc. in a snack bag then I put a small variety of the nonrefrigerated ones into my purse. The rest I put into larger ziplocs and store the larger ziploc in either the pantry or the fridge depending on the type of snacks it is and then when I want a snack I don't need to worry about how much I can have or anything because I did it all ahead of time. I also keep a cereal bar or 2, a special k protein meal bar and some crystal light single servings in my purse at all times. I am never caught in a situation where I have to either eat something bad for me or go hungry.
  • that popcorn idea is great. I'm going to do that.

    peaches, apples, bananas, V8, crackers (saltines), yogurt, glass of skim milk. A piece of low cal bread toasted spread with a tsp of peanut butter. I'm kind of boring with the snacks!