Need help figuring out a price for babysitting 3 nights

  • I've been asked to watch a 2 and 4 year old overnights for 3 nights. And actually wouldn't "have" to be overnight as their dad would get home around 11:30, but don't want to drive back home that late, so I"d prob sleep over and just get ready at their place. So, it'd be from 5:30-11:30ish. It's a 30 minute drive to there and back from work, so a hour each day.

    I'd like to help them out as they are family ( cousins ) and I enjoy hanging out with them, just know it'll be harder cause I don't normally put toddlers to bed.

    They asked me to come up with a price if I choose to do take these 3 nights. Please give me some thoughts on what you think would be fair. Thanks
  • I usually charge around $8-$11 an hour...You're not necessarily babysitting overnight there, because the Dad is coming home (Unless they still pay you for that, which would pertty swell) Since they are family, you might just want to ask for around $9 and hour. But I guess it depends on how their financial position is, do you know? Just make sure your not straining them....
  • That's a lot of time- $50 a night seems fair to me. Specially for two kids.
  • Be sure to count gas. 3 hours driving time isn't cheap these days.
  • I don't have kids but I've done way too much babysitting when I was younger and $9 an hour or even the $50 a night seems a bit steep IMO. Most people will pay less than minimum wage for babysitting. I don't know though, I guess to me $150 sounds really high for a few nights.
  • Well I say $50 a night cuz it's 6 hours x 3 days x 2 kids. Technically it's $25 a night for each kid. And she'll have to feed them dinner, bathe them, entertain them, and tuck them in, that's exhausting!

    If you break it down by the hour that's $8.33 an hour. I think currently min. wage where I live is $8 an hour.