NSV...sort of

  • YAY!

    I'm not as out of shape as I was just two weeks ago.

    When I first started my program I had trouble just walking from the parking garage to my first class it took me nearly ten minutes to walk the distance. Now I can walk the same distance in half the time.

    Then as a cherry on top I tried a Leslie Sansone 1 mile walk today and realized that it was too easy. I need to try the two mile for a challenge.

    again...YAY for healthy for living!
  • Wonderful!
  • That's great!
  • Awesome!
  • Deadly
  • That is so great!!!
  • :five: That is great!
  • good job!

    Before you know it that 2 mile video will seem too easy! I have been doing the 2 mile for a week and am already considering doing the 3 once a week starting next week (though those knee lifts still about kill me lol).
  • Thats excellent progress for just 2 weeks. Can you imagine how buff you will by the end of the semester?
  • That's fantastic!
  • Nice! It feels great, doesn't it??
  • That is awesome progress! Go you!
  • That's not a sort of, that's a real one. Well done!