OT: more to love

  • does anyone watch this show? i tuned in for the first time last night and instantly got a little hooked. i LOVE how the women on this show are normal sized women and yet they are really pretty. it makes you feel like you could be attractive even if you are a larger size than the typical woman.

    however, i think its hilarious that these women seem surprised that they have fallen for the guy and that he is dating all these other women at the same time. its like, hello, you're on a reality show, what did you expect to happen?

    it seems so weird to me that he can totally mack on so many women at the same time. he kisses all of them regularly!
  • I'm addicted, but I'm ashamed of it lol. I usually hate these dating shows but I've been watching from the start (unfortunately, he sent one of my fave girls home last night).

    It kind of bothers me how he's like oh, I have a connection with her, and her and her, its like really Luke? Do you really?

    I wasn't really surprised that they were normal/larger than normal are pretty. There are pretty women at every shape and size, its just some aspects of society will have you believe that if you're more than a size 2 you're unattractive. Personally, I never bought into that - I like to find beauty in everything and everyone (I'm a closet artist, I think).
  • I love the show too! I missed last night though! Who got sent home?
    In my opinion, Luke is full of crap. He's kissing multiple girls, has feelings for multiple girls. Seems kinda sleazy. Yet I still watch it!
    Luke kind of reminds me of my ex-boyfriend, maybe that's why I don't like him?
    I think he gives off an air of pretentiousness.

    Yep, I'm HARSH! lol
  • I actually thought luke came off better in this episode than in the others. It really annoyed me when Tali claimed she had many doors closed to her bco her weight...puhlease, she is drop dead GORgeous and I wouldn't even consider her fat. The camera seriously loves her. She's also white, hetero, cisgendered, able-bodied, and that's without getting into the Israeli-Palestinian dynamic, so sorry if I'm not that moved by her "hardships".

    I am hooked on Drop Dead Diva...I think it's a lot more body positive than MTL. I was amazed (in a good way) when Jane went to the doctor and the doctor actually treated her high blood pressure rather than telling her to lose weight.
  • I don't mind Luke so much. He seems like an okay guy, and yeah, he's kissing a lot of girls, but that's kind of what the show is...which is my inherent issue with dating shows, but alas.

    Tali is my new fave. I do NOT like Mandy and Malissa is just so-so. But yeah, Tali has like my exact height/weight and I don't think I've ever had doors closed to me because of my weight loss. I've had a$$hole guys say stuff, but these are guys that had previously been rejected by yours truly, so I didn't take that to heart. She is GORGEOUS though.