My husband is so supportive!

  • Tomorrow is DH's birthday and he wants to bake chocolate chip cookies and bring them into his office. He asked if I would have a cookie with him tonight after he baked them, if I had enough points left. When I realized that 2 cookies were 5 points, I told him that I'd really rather have a glass of milk and a Skinny Cow ice cream sandwich! So, he said....

    "I'm proud of your decision. I will wait until you go to bed to bake the cookies so you don't have to be near them and get tempted."

    !!! I've got a keeper!
  • That's lovely! Congrats on having such a lovely husband!
  • That is how my husband is. We are lucky women, aren't we?
  • Awesome
  • It is great that he is so supportive and it is just as great that you appreciate him!
  • Sweet of your DH, but AWESOME for you making the better choice!! Sweet success! Enjoy your Skinny cow and milk!
  • How sweet!
  • What a sweetie!
  • That's so great! My husband and I have been on this weight loss journey together, so that has made it SO much easier around here for me. I honestly don't know if I could do it so well if we weren't doing it together. We are good influences on each other and bad influences too when it comes to food.

    Having that supportive hubby must mean so much to you too! Keep up the good work!
  • so sweet!!
  • Yes you do! I am so glad you do too. My hubby does things like that too--well, except he doesn't cook whatsoever. BUT--he is always 100% on board with dietary issues and definitely puts my needs ahead of his wants. (He does not have a weight problem.) If he wants bad stuff he eats it when he's out. He knows not to expect it at home anymore.
  • Your husband bakes?!?!?! Right there alone makes him a keeper! But really, what a sweetie for being sensitive to your health decision. And, way to go sticking to your plan. Hot CCC are so tempting!
  • Mine is too! Aren't we lucky!