Do you think mate's messiness has anything to do with your weight?

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  • Quote: To those who are married to loveable "messies", do you think their clutter and messes have anything to do with your weight?

    I think it does with mine.

    I function best with neatness and order, and feel overwhelmed, ANGRY, and discouraged when surrounded by a mess I didn't make.

    If I lived here alone, my place would be clean and neat, and I'd have tons of time to do other things because the place would STAY clean. On the other hand, trying to keep up with my dh's messes and clutter is a frustrating, never ending battle.

    I've read quite a few things that talk about how clutter can help you stay overweight, and in my experience, I can see how that's true. The negative emotions alone--and the emotional eating that results from them--are enough to keep a bunch of weight on me, especially when I get angry about the mess/clutter, and reach for snacks to calm down.

    Anybody else have any experiences with this sort of thing?
    I love to clean up my husbands messes, not to mention that of my daughter and my 4 yr. old step son. I used to get irritated like you, but now I just say, "Oh well, burning calories"...I think you just learn to enjoy those messes. My husband and I separated for a year a while back, while my place was spotless, I sure did miss him and the mess and the noise. At first I loved it, but I came to quickly hate it, and hated being alone. I will clean up those messes with a smile on my face!!!
  • Quote: I think being in a situation in which you feel mistreated and taken advantage of, and that you feel you can't do anything about, and he doesn't care - I think *that* messes with your weight loss. What is health and weight loss if not treating yourself right?
  • Quote: Forgive me here, but honestly this sounds like an excuse to me. Your health, your weight is one thing and you can't wait for a time when everything is all hunky dory to tackle it. Because there will never be a time when there's not something going on.

    I understand your frustration at his dis-orderly ways, the stress it brings on, the time it consumes - but come now....

    Instead of reaching for a snack to calm down, well there's lots of other things to do to calm oneself down. Walk, read, journal, straighten up, laundry, a puzzle, a bath. And besides snacking CAUSES waaaaay more stress then it relieves.

    As for time, well that will never, ever fall into your lap. You've got to carve out the time to focus on your health, your weight. Things that are majorly important, like your health - we've got to MAKE the time.

    But yes, have a talk with him. Tell him that this MATTERS to you. A LOT. But in the meantime, work on being the best you that you can be. Don't put it off. Be brutally honest with yourself, accepting no excuses, reasons or obstacles. Don't let anyone or anything stand in your way.
  • Sorry to post for the 3rd time on this ladies.

    I have said it probably 50 times here at 3FC and yet, I will say it AGAIN! Let nothing and no one stand in the way of your healthy weight.

    If this means swiping an entire counter full of clutter into a big box in order to make yourself a healthy meal DO IT! If it means knocking over everything at the door in order for you to go out to exercise, DO IT! Make certain shelves of the fridge or pantry just your beautiful, orderly items. Lock them up if you must. Do whatever, whatever needs to be done. DO IT!