Home to America

  • Tomorrow I go home to the US after a year and a week in South Korea. On one hand, I'm soooooo excited and thrilled to see my friends and family and do American things and eat American food....

    .... that's the other hand. I'm soooooo NERVOUS about food! I lost 23 lbs living in Korea (I was aiming for 60... ah well) and I really didn't even like Korean food. There are so many foods I LOVE in America and I'll only be there for 5 weeks as I'm moving to Australia in early October for 8 months. That makes my time in America feel like vacation and on vacation, I'm not good about watching what I eat. Actually, before I came to Korea, I was eating at all my favorite restaurants "one last time" and gained about 6 lbs in a week.

    I didn't lose weight by eating that much healthier, I lost it by eating smaller portions. I know American portions are BIIIIG and I know I'm capable of unlearning portion control if I'm not careful.

    My family and friends are excited to have me back and want to take me out to eat and my friends want to drink a lot with me.

    I won't be working so I plan to workout a lot and start running again... even try to train for a 5k while I'm home.

    Food and drink are such important social devices. I don't want to be too strict on myself with the kinds of foods I eat, I just worry I'll know when to stop eating.

    I just had to share.. maybe some of you 20-sthgs can relate to going "back home" and controlling yourself when everyone around you wants to drink, eat and be merry.
  • I can TOTALLY relate - I spend most of the year in England and the summer/a month at Christmas back at home in Canada. Everything in the cupboard seems to be geared towards my stick-thin, eat-anything brother. It's hard getting together with friends too as that usually involves a meal or at least coffee out. All I've been trying to do is look up restaurant menus online ahead of time and choosing something decent before I leave or suggesting a restaurant I know has a 'lighter choices/lifestyle' menu. Even if I am over my calories for the day, I know I have made a pretty good choice - at least better than I would have chosen before I was trying to lose weight! Do the best you can, and remember that it took you this long to lose the weight so it's worth it to try to maintain it until you move and settle in Australia even if you can't lose any more. If you strive to at least maintain, that would be far better than gaining!! Good luck!
  • When you go home, people scream for your attention... you will probably be pulled lots of ways since you are leaving again very soon. When I am invited to a BBQ or out to eat, I tell myself I can eat whatever I want... as long as I eat a BIG garden salad first. (please note: Garden salad... not caesar or chicken or taco...) Starting with a salad will fill you up! I don't know of many restaurants that do not offer some kind of salad or healthy alternative.

    I bet you will get so many compliments for losing the weight, you won't want to fall back into your old habits. And by the way, congrats on your weight loss!
  • Quote: When I am invited to a BBQ or out to eat, I tell myself I can eat whatever I want... as long as I eat a BIG garden salad first. (please note: Garden salad... not caesar or chicken or taco...) Starting with a salad will fill you up! I don't know of many restaurants that do not offer some kind of salad or healthy alternative.
    That's a really awesome idea. I never thought of that. I have the same issues when I go home to NJ - my family's Italian and "portion control" isn't in their vocabulary. Unfortunately, we typically eat salad at the END of the meal. Hm..
  • A few years ago I spent 6 months in Australia studying abroad. I did the exact same thing - when I came home I wanted to eat all the wonderful food that I had been missing and I started a downward spiral and began gaining 10lbs a year...which brings us to now, 35lbs heavier than I was in 2006.

    I like the idea of a salad BEFORE the meal. Also, if you can substitute fresh fruit or a salad for french fries with your meal, do it. You can always nab a few fries off of whomever dragged you there in the first place just to get a taste. I know for me I didn't want anything on the healthy/lighter choice menu because I wanted the foods that I had been craving for those 6 months away. But just ease into it - if you can plan ahead for the nights when you'll go out then try to eat really well during that day or on days when you're not going out. Good luck, it will be rough, but before you know it you'll be in Australia where the food is just so-so again
  • Enjoy your time at home, I find that when I am out to eat with friends I haven't seen in a long time, I spend a lot of time talking., I just shove the food around on my plate and try to eat only a portion of it. But keep talking that way your not putting food in your mouth.
  • uh oh going back home ....
    to be honest with you
    I gained 12 kg (24 lbs) in 3 weeks after coming back from the U.S
    SO yah >"<
    Just watch your portion >"< don't let all the favorite food get to you, but you control those food
    Do lots of exercise ^_^
  • i totally know what you mean. i've been living overseas for 7 years in Qatar and every time i get back to the states to visit i struggle with staying on track. not only are the food portions bigger but there are sweets that i haven't had i just feel like grabbing all of them at one time.

    one thing i've learned is that since there foods i want to have. i usually give myself the the first week i'm there, freedom to have whatever i want. but after that i watch my eating.

    as for portion sizes just go with the suggested portion on the packaging with the food. or just split everything in half.

    you i didn't realize how big things were in America until i left and came back. everything just seemed gigantic to me.
  • I don't mean to ask personal questions or anything, so you don't have to answer if you don't want to, but what do you do that keeps you travelling so much? I just wonder because I'm very interested in travel and working with it. Is it military?

    Anyway, about gaining weight back home, I can totally understand that. The food is stuff you love and there's A LOT of it. Just pace yourself and keep a conscious mind on every meal. Eventually, you'll just get in to the hang of it. Eat slowly and eat smaller portions. Think to yourself: "Is this about as much as I would have eaten in South Korea?" Stick with what you're currently doing, because it's obviously working. And good luck with all the moves!
  • Wow, thanks for your replies everyone! I've been home for two days now and so far, I'm doing pretty good.

    I was just NOT HUNGRY on the plane ride over and only ate 1.5 meals in 19 hours of travelling... no snacks... and for some reason, I gained almost 2 lbs! Anyways, I had been CRAVING Taco Bell and totally planned on swinging by there on the way home from the airport... but instead, I stopped by the supermarket and picked up some veggie sushi and blackberries (Korea has neither).

    The weirdest thing here is I have NOT been hungry! My two big meals, I've only eaten half. I HATE throwing out food but I keep thinking it's not worth it to eat more when I'm full. I even tried to get my friends to split the meals with me but they were like "No way, I'm hungry and want the whole thing!"

    I haven't had any chance to work out yet (so busy and crazy jet lagged!) but on day 2, I'm down half a lb... 1.1 lbs left to be where I was when I left.

    I can't help but think that something might snap soon and I'll get my appetite back and go crazy... I can't even believe how much junk food is surrounding me.

    Tonight I'm going out for happy hour, my FAVORITE social activity from before I left... again, I'm nervous but I'm trying to stick to two drinks tonight.

    WednesdayMorning, I travel so much because I live for it! I was an English teacher in South Korea and I'm doing a working holiday visa in Australia where you can get low-wage jobs like bar, restaurant, temp agency for up to a year. I plan to work for 6 months and travel Australia and New Zealand for two months after that.
  • Traveling causes major water retention which might explain the 2 lbs. I blow up like a friggin balloon whenever I have to fly. Good job so far!!