Hello from a 3FC Newbie!

  • So, I just joined 3FC today although I've seen the forum before. I've decided to do WW at home and wanted to find a place to connect with other people and so here I am!

    I am not new to WW -- a few years ago, when I was a senior in college, I lost 45 lbs. And over the next five years gained 70. For the past year or two I've been just shy of 300 and have finally decided it's time to lose the weight. I've tried other diets over the years, but having already been successful on WW before knew that was what I wanted to do again. However, I can't afford the meetings, so I'm doing it from home. Luckily there's lots of resources available online (including this one!) to help.

    Ideally I want to lose at least 100 lbs, but that's a big scary number. So I'm breaking it up into 3 phases at 35 lbs each. Small goals add up to big successes!

    I've been doing it for about a month now and have already lost 9.5 lbs, but really wanted to find a community to help me with the rest!
  • Welcome welcome welcome tudor rose

    This is a great place to post and connect with others all trying to do the same thing and breaking down your losses into mini goals and not giving yourself a deadline is the best way to lose and keep off the weight.

    I know I don't have much more to lose but like most here it is a day to day strugle and I am two bites away from eating like I did before. I have found that little changes at a time work best instead of drastic ones that are unrealistic

    I look forward to reading posts from you
  • Welcome Tudor Rose!

    I'm glad you're here. It is a great place for support.

    Sounds like you are on your way. 9.5 pounds is great!

    I too have about 100 pounds to lose and the thought can be overwhelming. I have chosen, like you to set some smaller goals for myself. My first goal was to lose 10 pounds. Once I achieved that, I set another one for 15 more. (I have been doing ww at home for 8 weeks now and have lost 15 pounds total so far.)

    Anyway.....welcome to the forum and lots of luck on your journey!
  • Hi Tudor Rose! I'm new to the forum also, again..lol. I've been on here once before, and I've been on Weight Watchers twice before. I've had a very hectic summer, and needless to say have fallen off the wagon. My clothes still fit, a little more snug, but they fit, so that's good! I did really well at the meetings, but can't afford them right now so I'm giving it a go again from home. Guess I need to buy a scale for the weekly weigh-ins...lol. I threw mine out years ago. Anyway, this is a great site, and I know we can do it!