Crossing my Legs!

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  • I so have all those goals as well. Yesterday, I was actually able to put my foot on top of the ottoman and bend normally and tie my shoe. It was my moment of bliss.
  • I love this. I can kind of throw one leg over the other but it refuses to stay there. Very uncomfortable in business meetings.

    Pubic Fat- I wonder if I have that I can't see down there and haven't been able to in a while lol I groom blind ...

    Maybe these should be my new able to see if I have pubic fat and able to cross my legs...hehe
  • I will never forget the day I noticed I had my legs crossed. We were at church and I was listening to the sermon and all at once I noticed that my legs were crossed. I didn't remember doing it, they just were. I was so ecstatic, and so darn comfortable that I nudged my hubby and kids to show them my accomplishment!

    Oh and talk about TMI...this is really bad, but in the old days inserting a tampon was torture! Now it's a breeze.
  • I was experimenting the other day and I found out that I could put my big toe into my mouth (NOT THAT I DID - eeew - but I could have). I was amazed. :-)
  • This thread has me cracking up and nearly crying all at the same time!

    As a fat chick I have all these issues too. I have never been able to cross my legs ('cept at the ankles), I too have to "groom" blind. I would love for my belly to no longer sit on my lap.

    This is huge motivation for me. I need to print out a pocket sized printout of this thread so I can read it everytime I think about putting something bad into my body.
  • I don't think that is a weird goal! You should see some of mine!
    I can kind of cross my legs, but if I am sitting at a desk or a table I can't I think I have thunder thighs?
  • Sharing the goal!
    (First post wut wut o/)

    Crossing my legs has always been something I wanted to do, and being able to keep them close together after crossing. I have a friend that can wrap the feet of the crossed leg behind the calf of the leg that was underneath, and I always thought it is the most attractive thing and would love to sit like that. However, any time I manage to cross my legs (only right over left and with a lot of discomfort) my right leg insists on jutting up and it makes me so sad.

    Other goal of mine is to be able to breathe while in child's pose during yoga. It may sound silly but sometimes in class we have 20 minutes of uninterrupted discomfort in the lower back due to a pose we're in, then the instructor says we can "rest" on child's pose, but sometimes I think I'd rather keep the lower back pain. I just feel so squished all over and can't breathe in child's pose
  • Welcome, Ginny, and thank you for bumping an old, but rings very true for me, thread.

    I too cannot cross my legs. My belly rests on my thighs when I sit down, and I also groom blind.

    I have a vague memory of how much more comfortable and easier it is to have a slimmer body. It's certainly incentive to stick with it.

    Other embarrassing things for me:

    My cat, has caught her tail in the rolls of my gut more than a few times. She has learned to swish her tail to the far left when she asks me to come down to the floor and giver her a cuddle.

    Sleeping is a mess. If I lay on my back, my heavy boobs make it hard to breathe and if I lay on my stomach, my belly fat pushes into my bladder and I need to pee frequently. Rolling onto my side, my breast gets caught underneath my side and I have to pull it out with my opposite hand.

    I could go on but, you get the idea.

    I too would like a pocket copy of this thread - great motivation. And it was a good laugh, gosh if we can't laugh at the situation sometimes...